#元气亚米红 #First wave! My little granary is full of Yami's food year round! Red color! Ouch! ! ! Snacks, seasonings, daily necessities...and on the way! ! ! It's all red! It's all red! Amy is really caring! Red represents auspiciousness, joy, enthusiasm, and unrestrainedness. I wish us good luck and prosperous days in the new year. Red represents happiness, boldness, gorgeousness, and wealth. I wish us a happy and prosperous new year. Red represents bright, happy, noble, and hopeful. I wish us a happy dream and a prosperous career in the new year. Also wish our Yami more and more red!
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yami_featured_image # 元气亚米红 #第一波! 我的小粮仓里一年到头都是亚米的吃的!红颜色的!嗷嗷的多!!!零食、调料、日用…还有在路上的!!!都是红色!都是红色! 亚米真是有心了!红色代表吉祥、喜气、热情、奔放,祝我们在新的一年里,吉祥如意,日子红红火火。红色代表快乐、豪爽、华丽、富贵,祝我们在新的一年里,快快乐乐,财源广进。红色代表明朗、愉快、高贵、希望,祝我们在新的一年里,美梦成真,事业飞黄腾达。 同样 祝我们的亚米越来越红!