The first cup of milk tea in 2020 belongs to the white rabbit 🐰🤍 Although the big white rabbit milk tea has passed its craze~ 🙈 But I still want to catch the last train hahahaha! Because homemade milk tea is really really delicious! Make milk tea easily without any complicated tools and materials! If you don't have black tea leaves, you can use black tea bags instead. It only takes two steps to drink internet celebrity milk tea at home without queuing 🥤🌝 🌟 Prepare 🌟 White Rabbit Toffee 5 pcs Milk 200ml Hot water 100ml Evaporated Milk 30ml Black tea 5g Step1. Soak the black tea in 100ml of hot water, cover it and keep it st0 for later use. Add milk and toffee to the pot and cook on low heat until the toffee melts, then turn off the heat, then pour in evaporated milk and mix well. The role of evaporated milk can make milk tea smoother and taste better~ Step2. Pour the boiled milk into the cup, then filter the black tea soup and pour the tea leaves into the milk cup to mix the milk tea and you're done! If you like the tea taste stronger, you can add more black tea. The toffee itself has sugar content and does not need to be added, and the taste is really good. You can try it out~ # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 生活要有仪式感 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 #
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yami_featured_image 2020年的第一杯奶茶是属于大白兔的🐰🤍 虽然大白兔奶茶已经过了热潮啦~ 🙈 但我还是想赶一波末班车哈哈哈哈! 因为自制的奶茶是真的真的很好喝呀! 不需要任何复杂的工具和材料轻松做奶茶! 如果没有红茶叶直接用红茶包代替也是可以的 只需要两个步骤在家不排队喝网红奶茶🥤🌝 🌟 准备 🌟 大白兔奶糖 5颗 牛奶 200ml 热水 100ml 淡奶 30ml 红茶 5g Step1. 将红茶浸泡在100ml的热水里盖上盖子闷着备用,锅里加入牛奶和奶糖小火煮至奶糖融化后关火,再倒入淡奶混合均匀。淡奶的作用可以使得奶茶更顺滑口感更好~ Step2. 煮好的牛奶倒入杯子,再把红茶汤过滤掉茶叶倒入牛奶杯里混合奶茶就完成啦!喜欢茶味浓一些可以多加点红茶。奶糖本身就有糖份不需要另加,味道真的很不错。大家可以试着做看看~ # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 生活要有仪式感 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 #