# #开箱大吉# # Liupo Chili Noodles, I suggest you don't try it lightly, because it's really addicting after you try it! ! ! ! I saw a lot of people planting chili noodles in the drying area a long time ago This time, we are finally pulling weeds in Yami! Really how to eat how delicious 🤤 I made simple pickled paws this week, added some chili noodles in it, and took it out the next day to taste it. My goodness, there is really an unexpected surprise. The bubble claw that I fell in love with in a snack bar near my domestic unit is just like the taste! ! ! It's really delicious 😋 Soaking the claw is super easy to cook, just soak it in cold water after cooking. The part to soak is ice water, white vinegar, soy sauce, garlic 🧄, you can also add some sugar if you like. Finally, this is the first time I tried Liupo Chili Noodles😍 I'll have to stock up on more next time! ❤️
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yami_featured_image # #开箱大吉# # 六婆辣椒面,我建议你们千万不要轻易尝试,因为试过后真的会上瘾!!!! 老早前在晒货区看见很多人种草的辣椒面 这次终于在亚米拔草啦! 真的是怎么吃怎么香🤤 这周做了简单的泡爪,加了点辣椒面进去,到第二天后拿出来尝了下。我的天,真的是有意想不到的惊喜,跟我以前在国内单位附近一家小吃店迷上的泡爪简直就是一个味儿啊!!!真的太香了😋 泡爪做饭超级简单,煮熟后过冷水泡一泡。泡的那部分就冰水、白醋、酱油、蒜头🧄,喜欢的也可以加点糖。最后就是这次第一次尝试的六婆辣椒面😍 下次我一定要多囤点! ❤️