# #开箱大吉# # Super happy, I won the prize in the Yamibuy Turtle Cream event. A big box full of turtles is cool, and there are 5 rows of 20 cans, which is really cool. Thank you for your generosity and love. ❤️❤️❤️ What I received this time is the latest product of Shenghetang: Chia Seed Guilingshuang, I checked it, and it is not available on the market. So, I am honored to be the first to eat crabs. I don't need to introduce the efficacy of chia seeds. High fiber, fat loss, protection of bones and teeth, phosphorus supplementation, sleep improvement, etc., are very popular healthy foods in recent years. Guiling ointment is a nourishing holy product for clearing away heat and relieving fire, and for beauty and beauty. When Guiling paste meets chia seeds, the combination is very special. Now let me talk about the feeling. The chia seeds I received are cool, and there are four flavors in total: honey original, honey osmanthus, honey ginseng, and honey chrysanthemum. The first thing to try is the yellow honey osmanthus. Packaging Design: Simple and refreshing. Bright colors instantly cheer up the mood. When you open the lid, you can see that the inside is sealed with tin foil, which is hygienic and portable. A folding straw is included in the package. It is very convenient to drink, just open it and drink it. Ingredients: Made from herbs, it contains chia seeds, coconut nuts, wire honeysuckle, dandelion and other materials. One cup has only 80 calories. Equivalent to the calories of an apple. Taste: Chia seeds and coconut fruit can be clearly eaten, and the sweetness of Guiling paste has the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus. It's not too sweet, and it doesn't feel too sweet after eating. The taste is not as thick as Guiling paste, but more refreshing. I personally quite like it. Thanks again Yami. ❤
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# #开箱大吉# # 超级开心,在亚米网龟苓膏活动中中奖啦。满满一大箱的龟苓爽,整整5大排20罐,真的爽歪歪。感谢金主爸爸的大手笔和厚爱。❤️❤️❤️ 这次收到的是生和堂的最新产品:奇亚籽龟苓爽,查了一下,市面上还没有出售。所以,很荣幸的成为了首批吃螃蟹的人。 奇亚籽的功效就不用我多介绍了吧,高纤维,减脂,保护骨骼牙齿,补充磷元素,改善睡眠等等,近年来非常火爆的健康食品。龟苓膏则是清热解火,美容养颜的滋补圣品。当龟苓膏遇到奇亚籽,这个组合很特别。下面我就来谈谈感受。 收到的奇亚籽龟苓爽,一共四种口味:蜂蜜原味,蜂蜜桂花,蜂蜜人参,蜂蜜菊花。 首先尝试的是黄色款 蜂蜜桂花。 包装设计:简洁清爽。鲜亮的色彩一下子就让心情愉悦起来。打开盖子,可以看到内部是由锡纸密封的,卫生且便携性强。包装内附折叠吸管一根。饮用非常方便,打开就可以吸食啦。 成分:采用草本植物制作,含有奇亚籽,椰果,线材金银花,蒲公英等材料。一杯的卡路里仅为80。相当于一个苹果的热量。 味道:可以很明显的吃到奇亚籽和椰果,龟苓膏的甘味带着桂花的香气。不是很甜,吃完不觉得甜腻。口感上没有龟苓膏那么厚重,但是更加的清爽。我个人是蛮喜欢的。 再次感谢亚米。❤