# 高颜值美食 # Lunch box-2 White rice Fried Rice (Lee Kum Kee Claypot Rice Soy Sauce) cauliflower broccoli peanuts Braised ribs Braised Dried Tofu Braised Chicken Neck (Marinade) Beef Stew with Potatoes Nutritious and delicious - Lee Kum Kee series! All kinds of juices, all kinds of happy! ! !
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# 高颜值美食 # Lunch box-2 白米饭 炒饭(李锦记煲仔饭酱油) 菜花 西兰花 花生米 红烧排骨 卤干豆腐 卤鸡脖子(卤汁) 牛肉炖土豆 营养美味—李锦记系列!各种汁汁水水各种开心!!!