# 如7而至 # Today, let me boldly share with you how to draw a nose contouring nose that I recently learned on YouTube. I use Korea's Etude House double-headed highlighter. This is really recommended. It is very easy to use. Also One of the makeup items that are highly recommended by many Internet bloggers. The bright end is for highlights. The dark end is for contouring. I usually use the highlighter end on the bridge of the nose to go straight to the end. This stroke will make the nose look a little bit taller. On the left and right sides of the nose, a slanting V will be drawn with the trimming end. This will make the nose look smaller. There are also two trimming strokes down the brow. It will also make the nose look taller. Be a little more vertical. After painting, use the beauty egg to press and smudge. It's ok to stun until it doesn't look like what you painted. In fact, I'm also a novice. I'm also slowly groping. Obviously. Especially if you go out for a party at night. The kind of heavy makeup. You can start with a bit heavier. Finally, let me say that the color purple of this contour stick is 101. It is suitable for Asian girls. The oil control is very strong. It is natural and long-lasting without taking off makeup. Share. Thank you for watching. The technique is not very good. I don't like to spray lightly. I can't stand the blame. Hahahaha
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yami_featured_image # 如7而至 # 今天让我大言不惭的分享一下我最近在油管上学到的修容鼻子的画法.我用的是韩国的爱丽小屋双头高光修容棒.这款真的非常推荐.好用的不得了.也是许多网络博主强烈推荐的妆容单品之一.亮的那一头是高光.暗的那头是修容用的. 我一般都是在鼻梁这里用高光那头直接一笔到底.这一笔会让鼻子看起来会挺一些. 鼻翼左右两侧会用修容那头画一个斜斜的V.这会让鼻翼看起来变小了.还有眉头那里往下画两笔修容.也是会让鼻子看起来变挺.看起来立体一些. 画完之后.用美妆蛋按压式的晕开.晕到看起来不像画上去的就可以了.其实我也是新手.也在慢慢摸索ing.所以我画的时候下手不重.喜欢效果明显的.特别是晚上出去party的.浓妆那种.可以下手重一些. 最后说一下这款修容棒的色紫是101.满适合亚洲女生的.控油度很强.自然持久不脱妆.也很容易推开.除了修饰鼻子.还可以修饰轮廓哦.下次再分享.谢谢观赏.手法不是很到位.不喜轻喷.我经不起指责.哈哈哈哈哈