# 如7而至 # Apart from eating or eating at home during the epidemic? I’ve been at home for several days, and I’ve been walking around the kitchen the most. I don’t know what to eat every day, and I don’t dare to order takeout. The whole family changes their way of eating every day. Probably the most pot we use at home! Everything that can be steamed is steamed! As a pasta lover, I feel uninspired without eating all day long! The steamed buns and scallion buns can be made whatever you want. I haven’t really measured the proportion of flour. For a 16oz soup cup, two cups➕1 teaspoon yeast➕1 tablespoon sugar, plus a little less warm water for a 16oz soup cup and stir to form a floc. Knead the dough until it is not sticky. As shown in Figure 6, wrap it with plastic wrap and let it ferment in a warm place. This will speed up the fermentation process. After about an hour or so, if it is opened into a honeycomb shape, the fermentation is successful. The steamed buns you like, the latter is made of meat buns. I make them according to this ratio. I will add a little more sugar to the steamed buns. The pinched buns are proofed for about 20 minutes. No need to cover with plastic wrap. The electric steamer is added with water first I steamed the pot for 20 minutes. Don't rush to open the pot. After five minutes, the pot is ready. The second pot can be steamed for 15 minutes. It is super convenient!
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# 如7而至 # 疫情宅家除了吃还是吃? 宅家里好几天了,走动最多的就是厨房,每天不知道吃啥,外卖也不敢点,一大家子的人天天变着法吃.这几天接连做了几次包子,Aroma电蒸锅大概是我们家用的最多的一口锅!所有能蒸的都蒸上了! 作为一个面食爱好者一天不吃整天没精神的感觉!馒头包子葱包想吃啥就做啥,面粉的比例我还真没真正量过,16oz的汤杯两杯➕1teaspoon酵母➕1汤匙糖,再加16oz汤杯少一点的温水搅拌成絮状,活成团揉至不粘手就可以,如图6用保鲜膜包好放至暖和地方发酵,这样会快点,大概一个多小时后拉开成蜂窝状就是发酵成功的,然后排气戳成你喜欢的馒头状,后者做肉包子,我都是按这个比例做的,馒头时会加多点糖,捏好的包子醒发20分钟左右,无需保鲜膜覆盖,电蒸锅加水第一锅我蒸了20分钟,不要急着开锅,等五分钟后就可以出锅了,第二锅蒸15分钟就可以了,超级方便!