# 即食美味 # # 超大包网红虾片 ## 疫情宅家 # In New York, where the epidemic is severe, online shopping is the most suitable, the first order is here, the second order is on the road, and the third order is in the shopping cart 🛒😛 Thank you Yamibuy staff for your hard work, everyone must stay healthy and get through this difficult time. Come on! ! (ง •̀o•́)ง
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# 即食美味 # # 超大包网红虾片 ## 疫情宅家 # 在疫情嚴重的紐約,最適合網購了,第一單在此,第二單在路上,第三單在購物車🛒😛 辛苦各位亞米網的工作人員,大家都要健健康康順利度過難關哦,加油加油!!(ง •̀o•́)ง