Yesterday’s homemade jelly, today I’m going to change it~ Try the domestic roadside stall I’m thinking about – fried jelly 1⃣️Cut the jelly into pieces, don't cut it too small, otherwise it will not be easy to turn the pan when frying 2⃣️Prepare minced green onion, minced garlic, red pepper segments, millet spicy/pickled pepper segments, cut them for later use 3⃣️Hot the oil in a hot pan, add the seasoning in 2⃣️ and stir fry over high heat, stir fry until fragrant, add jelly, stir fry gently for a while, until the edge of the jelly melts slightly 4⃣️Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, and Pixian bean paste into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, then add a little boiling water and boil over high heat to let the jelly taste good. Because there are Pixian bean curd and light soy sauce, there is no need to add salt. 5⃣️After the soup is thick, the jelly is already very tasty, add a few drops of vinegar and pepper oil, and then you can sprinkle chopped green onion and serve~ The taste of the jelly is the same as that of the domestic roadside stalls. It is recommended to eat the jelly with a spoon. Eat it in one bite. The edge of the jelly is slightly melted, soaked in the spicy taste of the soup, and then mixed with minced garlic, Pickled peppers and red peppers make the taste of jelly very layered, which is completely different from cold jelly. This step can also be used to make fried noodles, fried rice cakes, etc., and add your favorite meat and vegetables~ This fast and delicious dish, go and try it~ # 温暖小厨房 # # 高颜值美食 # # 夏夏厨房 # # 我要上精选 # # 如7而至 #
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昨天自制的凉粉,今天来换一种吃法~ 试一试我心心念念的国内路边摊——炒凉粉 1⃣️凉粉切块备用,不要切的太小啦,否则炒的时候不好翻锅 2⃣️准备葱末、蒜末、红辣椒段、小米辣/泡椒段,切好备用 3⃣️热锅冷油,油烧热后加入2⃣️中的调料大火翻炒,炒出香味后下凉粉,轻轻翻炒片刻,直至凉粉边缘微微融化 4⃣️锅内依次加入料酒、生抽、郫县豆瓣炒香,然后加入少许开水大火煮开,让凉粉入味,因为有了郫县豆瓣和生抽,就不用再加盐了 5⃣️汤汁浓稠之后,凉粉也已经很入味啦,点几滴醋、花椒油,然后就可以撒葱花出锅啦~ 这样做出来的口感,和国内路边摊的一毛一样,凉粉建议用勺子吃哦,一口吃下去,凉粉的边缘是微微融化的,浸足了汤汁的辣味,再融合上蒜蓉、泡椒和红辣椒,让凉粉的口感变得非常有层次感,和凉拌凉粉是完全不一样的体验。 这个步骤也可以用来做炒面呀,炒年糕等等,再加上自己喜欢的肉类和蔬菜就可以啦~ 这道快手的美味菜肴,快去试试吧~ # 温暖小厨房 # # 高颜值美食 # # 夏夏厨房 # # 我要上精选 # # 如7而至 #