# 疫情宅家 #You are Chinese I am Chinese, rounding up, you are my person. This ad is really cool! Crayfish snail powder is suitable for people who have strong taste and love spicy food. Although I have a strong taste, I can't eat spicy food very well... So when I was eating crayfish flavor, I looked at Park Junshu Ouba's ipad with his mouth slightly open and his eyes slightly open. No god, keep breathing... So those who can't eat spicy choose carefully🤣
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# 疫情宅家 #你是中国人我是中国人,四舍五入,你就是我的人。这句广告词真的很赞!小龙虾螺狮粉适合口味重和爱吃辣的人,虽然我口味重,但是不太能吃辣…于是乎我在吃小龙虾口味的时候看着ipad的朴俊舒欧巴是嘴巴微张,双眼无神,一直哈气…所以不能吃辣的小伙伴慎选🤣