# 疫情宅家 #Family named to eat chicken coriander for a long time. It happened that there was a lot of coriander left at home that I bought from the Supermarket last time, so I made fried dumplings with chicken and coriander at home for dinner. The inspiration for the combination of chicken and coriander came from Sister Xiao Gao, and it happened that my family liked it very much, so it became a dumpling filling that I often eat at home. In fact, the method of making dumpling fillings is similar. I made them according to the way I usually make fillings, and changed them into dumpling fillings that suit my family's taste. The amount of oil should be added according to the fat of the meat filling. I used chicken breast meat for the filling today, so I used more. If I use chicken thigh meat, it can be reduced in moderation. It smells super delicious~ Dumpling filling method: <ingredients> - 1 lb ground chicken / ground chicken - 1/2 Tbsp dark soy sauce / dark soy sauce - 1 Tbsp light soy sauce / light soy sauce - 1/2 Tbsp ginger puree / minced ginger - 3 green onions chopped / green onions - 1 tsp Thirteen Spices / Chinese 13 spices mix - 1/2 tsp white pepper powder / white pepper powder - 1 tsp salt / salt - 1 egg / egg - 1/4 cup oil / oil - 6 peppercorns / peppercorn - 1 anise / star anise - 5 oz cilantro / cilantro - 1 tsp sesame oil / sesame oil <step> 1. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, ginger puree, chopped green onion, thirteen spices, white pepper and salt to the chicken filling, stir in one direction. Add the eggs and mix well. 2. Put oil in a pot, add Chinese peppercorns and aniseed, and heat over medium heat. After the aroma of the pepper is released, remove the pepper and the aniseed. Turn off the fire when the oil is smoking. 3. After the oil is slightly cool, add it to the meat, stirring in one direction. Add coriander and sesame oil and mix well before wrapping.
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# 疫情宅家 #家属点名要吃鸡肉香菜很久了。正好家里还剩了很多上次从中超买的香菜,晚餐就在家做了鸡肉香菜馅煎饺。 鸡肉和香菜搭配的灵感是来自于小高姐,正好加上家属特别喜欢,就成了我家常吃的饺子馅。 其实饺子馅的调法大同小异,我是按照我平时做馅的方法做的,改成了符合我家口味的饺子馅。油的用量要根据肉馅的肥肉加,我今天用鸡胸肉调的馅所以用的多一些,如果用鸡腿肉可以适量减少。味道超级香~ 饺子馅做法: <食材> - 1磅鸡肉馅 / ground chicken - 1/2 Tbsp 老抽酱油 / dark soy sauce - 1 Tbsp 生抽酱油 / light soy sauce - 1/2 Tbsp 生姜泥 / minced ginger - 3根葱切碎 / green onions - 1 tsp 十三香 / Chinese 13 spices mix - 1/2 tsp 白胡椒粉 / white pepper powder - 1 tsp 盐 / salt - 1个鸡蛋 / egg - 1/4 cup 油 / oil - 6颗花椒 / peppercorn - 1颗大料 / star anise - 5 oz香菜 / cilantro - 1 tsp 香油 / sesame oil <步骤> 1. 在鸡肉馅中加入生抽酱油,老抽酱油,生姜泥,葱花,十三香,白胡椒粉和盐,顺着一个方向搅拌。加入鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。 2. 锅内放油,加入花椒和大料,中火烧热。在花椒的香味释放出来之后就捞出花椒和大料。油冒烟后关火。 3. 等油温稍微凉一些之后加到肉里,还是顺着一个方向搅拌。包之前加香菜和香油拌匀即可。