Recommend this mask😷, a disposable medical mask, there are 50 in a box, it can be used for a long time! It is packaged into a pack of 25 pieces separately, and put a pack directly in the car, a must-have when going out! The quality of the mask is very good to the touch, it is quite thick, and it is very comfortable to wear. It leaks, very good👍 The small disadvantage may be that I feel a little big when I wear it. My husband's evaluation of wearing him is "perfect fit", blame my face for being small 😷! It is also worth mentioning that this is a merchant called Beauty. Their delivery is really fast, and there is no delay due to the epidemic. I saw the delivery the next morning after I placed the order the night before! The reason for the comparison is that the three bottles of disinfectant spray in Figure 1 were ordered at Yamibuy's own operation, and they were delivered after two or three days... Talking about that spray, many comments said that it has no alcohol smell. I want to say that it is ok to see the description. It is tasteless. It is not the principle of alcohol to kill viruses. Spray it on the outer surface, so that when I take it off, even if I accidentally touch the outside, I will not be afraid. I am as smart as me. This spray is really tasteless and non-irritating, so it is very good to do this, otherwise I can't wear a mask to spray alcohol! It is indeed a little expensive, but I feel that it is quite economical to use it like this haha, it is not bad~ # 新冠防疫用品 #
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yami_featured_image 推荐这款口罩😷,一次性医用口罩,一盒有50个,可以用好久了! 它是分开每25个包装成一包,直接放一包在车里,出门必备! 口罩摸起来质量是很好的,挺厚实的,戴起来也非常舒适,没有任何味道(之前有买过有那种布料味重一点的,不喜欢)我也去做了漏水测验,是完全不漏水的,非常好👍 小缺点可能就是我戴着觉得有点点儿大,我老公戴他的评价是“完美契合”,怪我脸小😷! 还有值得一提的,这个叫美之物商家,他们发货真的是速度,完全没有因为疫情拖拖拉拉,我前天晚上下单的的第二天早上就看到发货了!之所以对比到是图一那3瓶消毒喷雾是在亚米自营下单的,就隔了两三天才发货的…… 说说那个喷雾,很多评论说他没有酒精味,我想说看看说明好不啦,人家就是无味的呀,不是酒精原理杀毒,用法:我是在买完东西,进入车里之前我会往口罩外表面喷一喷,这样我摘下的时候就算不小心碰到外面也不怕啦,机智如我,这喷雾真的无味无刺激,所以这样做特别好,否则总不能戴着口罩喷酒精!确实是有点小贵的,但是我这样用感觉还挺省哈哈,还不错吧~# 新冠防疫用品 #