It's been a long time since I posted an order! I'm back! ! ! Fedex is relatively slow during the new crown pneumonia period, but as an old customer, I still like to buy things on Yami! Among the things I bought today, the ones I've been repurchasing are: 1⃣️The Yunnan Bridge Rice Noodles in Guanrenqiao, there is no seasoning package in it, but it is very cheap. You can cook it after opening it with your own seasoning, so if eating snail noodles is not enough, you can use the soup base to cook it directly a little! ! ! (too cheap) 2⃣️I found out that it is also Guanrenqiao's instant rice noodles. I have only tasted the hot and sour taste of the Dai style, and the hot and sour taste is appetizing! Summer is coming, my appetite is getting worse, I love this! 3⃣️ Minced garlic. Because I'm too lazy to cut it myself! There will definitely be differences in taste, but it is not always good to go to the supermarket to buy fresh garlic during the new crown pneumonia! Better than nothing, hahaha. The products I want to buy and try are: 1⃣️ Whitening mouthwash, I have always heard that this brand is easy to use, I would like to ask everyone what do you think? I know those flocculent deposits just react with the saliva in the mouth, but I wonder if this mouthwash will protect the teeth? 2⃣️ Jianghu brand hot and sour noodles. I want to buy some instant hot and sour noodles, but I don’t know what brand to eat. Do you have any recommendations? 3⃣️Car aromatherapy matcha fragrance. As a matcha lover, I decided to buy it and try it out, I will tell you if it works! ! 4⃣️The cutting board at home should be replaced regularly, and the old knife marks will hide dirt and dirt. I just bought these two guns, but I don't know if they will work or not. I'll tell you later. 5⃣️Konjac silk is a universal match! Buy! 6⃣️ I really want to eat seafood such as abalone, but I think it is a bit expensive. I saw this conch slices in abalone sauce and I plan to buy them and try them out. 7⃣️ Bought a can of beef noodle soup to see if you can simply re-enact pho at home, if you can, you don’t have to go to the store to eat it in the future! # 今天也是yami的一天 #
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太久没晒单啦! 我又回来啦!!! 现在新冠肺炎期间Fedex比较慢,不过作为老客户,还是很喜欢在亚米上买东西! 今天买的这些东西里,我一直在回购的是: 1⃣️官人桥的云南过桥米线,里面没有调料包,但是很便宜,打开来自己配调料煮一煮就可以吃了,所以如果吃螺蛳粉啊不过瘾的话,可以用那个汤底直接再来煮一点!!!(太省钱了) 2⃣️才发现也是官人桥的速食米线,我只吃过傣式酸辣口味,酸酸辣辣可开胃了!夏天快到了,我胃口变差了,吃这个好喜欢! 3⃣️蒜蓉。因为懒得自己切!肯定味道上会有所差异的,但是现在新冠肺炎期间也不好总是去超市买新鲜的大蒜吧!总之比没有好,哈哈哈。 我想买来试试的产品有: 1⃣️ 美白漱口水,一直听说这个牌子好用,想问问大家大家怎么觉得呀?我知道那些絮状沉淀物只是和口腔里的唾液发生了反应,但我想知道这个漱口水可以保护牙齿吗? 2⃣️江湖牌酸辣粉。我想买点速食酸辣粉也不知吃什么牌子的好,大家有推荐的吗? 3⃣️车载香薰抹茶香。作为一个抹茶控,决定买了试试,好用我会告诉你们的!! 4⃣️家里的砧板要定期换新,旧的刀痕多了会藏污纳垢。就买了双枪的这两个,也不知道好不好用,回头和你们说。 5⃣️魔芋丝简直是万能搭配了!买! 6⃣️很想吃鲍鱼啊之类的海鲜但觉得有点贵,看到这鲍鱼汁的海螺片打算买来试试看。 7⃣️买了一罐牛肉粉汤看看可不可以在家简单复刻pho,可以的话以后就不必去店里吃啦! # 今天也是yami的一天 #