Quickly make Korean rice cakes in 15 minutes The Korean rice cakes I bought from Yami recently are super convenient and delicious. I must recommend them. The price is $4.99 for 2-3 people. Included: two packs of rice cakes, two packs of fish tofu, two packs of seasonings How to: Super easy, ready in 15 minutes 1️⃣Put 300ml of water in a pot and bring to a boil. While cooking, wash the rice cakes a little. 2️⃣ Put in the rice cake and cook for 5-7 minutes. At this time, I added 2 mushrooms, 4 pieces of fish tofu, 4 pieces of cabbage, 2 pieces of luncheon meat, and 4 pieces of shrimp. By the way, find another pan and fry eggs. 3️⃣After the rice cake becomes soft, add the side dishes and cook until it becomes thick and ready to serve. Taste: I have ordered Korean rice cakes in restaurants before, and the price is around 12-15 dollars. I feel very close to the taste of a restaurant. And the side dishes are more abundant. In particular, we must praise the New Year cake, which is not rotten after a long time of cooking. The fish tofu that comes with it is also delicious. In terms of quantity, it is due to the addition of side dishes. So the two of us were fed up. It is said that adding Shin ramen tastes good too, I will try it next time. Convenient and fast, highly recommended. # 来亚米才知道的美食 #
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yami_featured_image 快手15分钟搞定韩国年糕 最近从亚米买的韩国年糕,超级方便好吃,必须上来推荐一下。价格4.99刀,2-3人份。 内含:年糕两包,鱼豆腐两包,调味料两包 做法:超级简单,15分钟上桌 1️⃣锅里放300毫升水,煮开。煮的时候,稍微清洗一下年糕。 2️⃣放入年糕煮5-7分钟。这个时候切配菜,我放了蘑菇2个,鱼豆腐4块,白菜4片,午餐肉2片,虾四颗。顺便另外找一个锅,煎鸡蛋。 3️⃣年糕变软后,加入配菜,煮到粘稠就可以出锅啦。 味道:以前在餐馆也点过韩国年糕,价格一份在12-15刀左右。我感觉和餐馆的味道很接近。而且配菜更加丰富。尤其要表扬一年糕,久煮不烂,是很q弹的那种。自带的鱼豆腐也很好吃。分量上,由于加入了配菜。所以我们两个大人都吃撑啦。据说加入辛拉面味道也很好,下次要试试。 方便快手,强烈推荐。 # 来亚米才知道的美食 #