# 传闻中的辣妈萌娃 # Ma Ma people really need this very practical and effective mite spray. This is [Japan · UYEKI professional mite removal. Hypoallergenic sterilization spray] This spray does not contain any insecticide ingredients. It is based on mites. Parasitic It is developed and produced according to the ecology of insects. The ingredients in it can make it difficult for mites to approach. It is not irritating to us humans. Even babies and pregnant women have no effect. The ingredients are very natural! Our daily quilts. Mattresses. Pillows. Carpets. Wardrobes. There are hundreds of mites on it. I will not go into details about the harm of mites. Everyone should know. It is also inconvenient to dry quilts in the United States. In addition, I am lazy. So I choose this UYEKI spray. Just spray it directly on the bed, quilt and other surfaces. After spraying, there is no need to clean or dry it. Wait for half an hour Naturally dry. We can touch items. Absolutely safe. A must for lazy people. The spout design is also full of safety.
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# 传闻中的辣妈萌娃 # 麻麻们真的要必备这款很实用又有效果的螨虫喷雾.这是【日本·UYEKI 专业除螨.防过敏杀菌喷雾】这款喷雾不含任何杀虫剂成分. 是根据螨虫.寄生虫的生态来研发生产的.内含成分能够使螨虫难以靠近.对我们人类不刺激.就算婴儿.孕妇都无影响.成分非常天然! 我们日常的被子.床垫.枕头.地毯.衣柜.沙发等等都是非常容易滋生螨虫的.特别是我们每天晚上都要躺的床和盖的被子.网上说一个月不晒被子.这被子上的螨虫就有好几百条了.螨虫的危害我就不细说了.大家都应该知道. 在美国晒被子这些也是各种不方便.再加上比较懒.所以我都是选择这款UYEKI喷雾.只要直接喷洒在床上.被子等表面上.喷后不需要清洗或者晾晒.等个半小时自然干了.我们就可以物品接触了.绝对安全的.懒人必备.喷口设计也满安全的.