#宅家变美大法 Recently, Yami's 7 hour express has made me addicted. I bought skin care products madly in order to prevent the day of seeing the light from becoming a fat house, so I immediately came to post the order at the last minute. My skin type: Combination dry sensitive skin The following list reviews are only for personal experience, and everyone's skin habits are different and are for reference only. 🌸 Skincare & Hair Care Cosmetics 🌸 【Gik PRP Serum Mask】 Super recommended! The price is very high, the quantity is high and the price is low, and the moisturizing and brightening effect is very surprising. The first aid effect after overnight is also very good, and it is also suitable for sensitive skin. I will repurchase it for a long time in the future. 【Natural Paradise Aloe Vera Gel】 Moisturizing and moisturizing, the sedative effect is excellent, and the rash in summer is really good. 【Kao Water Essence Moisturizing Sunscreen】 Even sun protection at home is key, because you have to face all kinds of electronic screens for a long time. I have dry skin, and this one is more effective than other sunscreens and moisturizing, and the price is much cheaper than that of Annan. 【Korea JM SOLUTION sunscreen spray】 Although I am currently staying at home, I cannot avoid going out for a walk occasionally on weekends, especially in the big sun in California, I have to pay attention to spraying sunscreen all over my body. This spray is super refreshing on the skin, waterproof and sweatproof, and the price is relatively friendly. 【ROHTO Extremely Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion】 I have repurchased several bottles. The price/performance ratio is really good, and it is also convenient to carry. It is not greasy but very moisturizing. The price is close to the people. Recommended. 【Saborino Good Morning Lazy Mask】 If you get up late, you can apply it directly and start working. It has the effect of exfoliating and moisturizing. The one in the picture has a kiwi fragrance, and I like the taste very much. 【Korean Daily Doctor Frison Hand Cream】 My hands are really dry, so it is not suitable for the water drop hand cream that is very popular on the Internet, but this one immediately disappears after applying it, and it also has antibacterial effect. I bought fragrance-free mainly because I like the packaging without color. Try the scented ones next time. 【abib Gum Centella Asiatica Mask】 One of the Koreans' favorite facial mask brands, Olive Young is a big seller. Centella asiatica is mainly a calming ingredient, anti-inflammatory and repairing, which is beneficial to skin regeneration. Personally, the sedative effect is not as fast as aloe vera gel, and it has a good repair and anti-inflammatory effect. It is very suitable for a patch after squeezing acne. The biggest feeling is that the mask paper is very compliant. Although it is said to be adsorbed on the skin like chewing gum, it does not feel sticky. I am not afraid of falling off while doing yoga in the morning. 【dr.jart silver pill】 It has the effect of cleaning and tightening pores. After applying it for a while, foam will come out. After waiting for 15-20 minutes, you can feel that the skin is much cleaner. Personally, I like to apply a moisturizing or other essence mask after cleaning the pores. After the pores are cleaned, it is more conducive to absorb nutrients. 【dr.jart Jumping Candy Pink Pill】 Although this one is not as windy as other models, it is very effective for me to use exfoliating once every one to two weeks. The first step is to soften the skin with popping sugar granules, and the second step is to use a pH balance mask. After applying it, I feel The facial transparency is max, the same as the silver pill. At this time, apply a moisturizing essence mask for better absorption. 【Kose Hydrating Extremely Intense Mask Sakura Limited Edition】 Affordable mask, the mask paper does not fit well, and another cherry blossom whitening brightening and whitening effect is remarkable. 【TSUBAKI 0 Second Hair Mask】 It sells well in Japan, and the packaging is good-looking, because it can be rinsed in 0 seconds and used directly as a conditioner. The penetration speed is super fast, and the hair feels a lot smoother immediately after use. 【APIEU Juice Brightening Lip Glaze #RD4 Water Gloss Cherry】 Originally, the lip glaze and lip gloss were piled up in mountains, but I was pleasantly surprised after using it. Generally, Korean lip glaze lip gloss has good color but slightly poor gloss, but this gloss is also very durable. 🌸 Fat-loss friendly series of snacks 🌸 Zhaijia really can't stop talking. Although it is not to say that eating these snacks will not make you fat, it is much friendlier than others, so I will not evaluate them one by one here. Personally, I highly recommend OSK oil-cut oolong tea, which absorbs oil and sugar to aid digestion. The key point is that the taste is super positive, not like a tea bag. If you don't like drinking pure tea, you can add low-fat milk, it will be a cup of delicious frozen milk tea 👍🏻👍🏻 Although Suntory Lactobacillus Beverage contains a lot of sugar, it helps digestion. It is recommended not to drink it alone. It is recommended to drink it with jasmine tea, and add some ice cubes to make a delicious green tea Yakult. Korean Hae Tae Tian Hot BBQ is simply great: As a cookie star, it is impossible to completely quit cookies! This biscuit is made of potato flour and is low in sugar, so it will not affect blood sugar much. Japanese healthy club nutritional function meal replacement bar: In fact, the taste is really delicious, and it is very suitable for afternoon tea with coffee. The nutrient content is high. Personally, I like the original butter flavor the most, but the ingredients should not be a low-calorie video, but it is quite filling! 🌸 Nutritional Supplements 🌸 Recommend dhc coix seed essence, the swelling effect is remarkable! The effect of onaka insisting on eating is still good, and it also improves digestion. It mainly helps to clean up visceral garbage. Compared with weight loss, enzymes seem to improve the skin.
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yami_featured_image # 宅家变美大法 #超超全美容护肤减脂晒单 最近亚米的7 hour express让我已经上瘾,狂买护肤保养品为了不让重见光明之日变成肥宅,所以立刻在最后一刻赶来晒单。 本人肤质:混干敏感肌 以下晒单点评仅限个人使用体验,每个人肤质生活习惯不一样,仅供参考。 🌸护肤护发化妆品🌸 【Gik PRP血清面膜】 超级推荐!性价比很高,量多价低,而且补水提亮效果很惊喜,通宵后急救效果也很赞,也适合敏感肌,以后会长期回购了。 【自然乐园芦荟胶】 补水保湿,镇静作用一级棒,夏天天热长疹子真的一抹就好了 【花王水精华保湿防晒】 就算宅家防晒也关键,因为还要长时间面对各类电子屏幕。我皮肤偏干,而这款比起其他防晒保湿效果不错,价格比起安耐晒平价许多。 【韩国JM SOLUTION防晒喷雾】 虽然目前是宅家状态也避免不了周末偶尔出去走走,尤其加州的大太阳更得注意全身喷上防晒。这款喷雾喷到皮肤上超级清爽,防水防汗,价格也比较友好。 【日本乐敦极润玻尿酸保湿乳液】 回购好几瓶了,性价比真的超好,也方便携带,不油腻但很保湿,价格亲民,推荐。 【saborino早安懒人面膜】 如果起晚了可以直接敷上开始办公,有去角质+保湿功效,图上这款是奇异果香,味道很喜欢。 【韩国日常医生Frison护手霜】 我手真的很干燥,所以不适合网上很流行的水珠护手霜,而这款抹上后瞬间没了紧绷感,还有除菌功效,买无香主要因为喜欢没有颜色的包装,下次试试有香味的。 【abib口香糖积雪草面膜】 韩国人最爱面膜品牌之一,olive young大卖。积雪草主要是镇定成分,消炎修复利于肌肤新生。个人而言镇静作用不如芦荟胶迅速,担修复消炎效果不错,挤完痘痘后很适合来一贴。 最大的感受面膜纸很服帖,虽然说像口香糖一样吸附在皮肤上,却没有黏腻的感觉,早上边做瑜伽边敷也不怕掉下来。 【dr.jart银色药丸】 清洁紧致毛孔功效,敷上去稍等后会有泡沫出来,等待15-20分钟后取下能感觉到皮肤变干净很多。我个人喜欢清洁毛孔后再敷一张补水或其他精华面膜,毛孔被清洁后更有利吸收营养。 【dr.jart跳跳糖粉色药丸】 这款虽然没有其他款风大,但对于我而言一到两周用一次去角质效果很好,第一步是跳跳糖颗粒软化角质,第二步ph酸碱平衡面膜,敷完后感觉面部透明感max,同银色药丸,这个时候再敷一贴补水精华类面膜,更利吸收。 【高丝补水极浓面膜樱花限定】 平价面膜,面膜纸不太贴合,另一款樱花美白的提亮美白效果显著。 【TSUBAKI 0秒发膜】 在日本卖爆,包装好看,因为是0秒即可冲洗就直接当成护发素使用了。渗透速度超快,用完后即刻就感觉头发变顺很多。 【APIEU果汁亮彩唇釉 #RD4水光樱桃】 本来唇釉唇彩都堆成山了,但使用后还是惊喜了一下。一般韩国的唇釉唇彩上色度不错但光泽表现略差,但这款光泽度,也很持久。 🌸减脂友好系列零食🌸 宅家真的会嘴不停啊,虽然不是说吃这些零食吃不胖,但相比其他要友好许多了,在此不一一测评了。 个人很推荐OSK油切乌龙茶,吸油吸糖助消化,重点是味道超正,不像茶包的感觉。不喜欢喝纯茶的可以加入低脂奶,冻起来就是一杯鲜美的冻奶茶👍🏻👍🏻 三得利乳酸菌饮料虽然含糖多,但助消化,建议不要单独一口喝完,和茉莉清茶倒在一起喝,再放点冰块就是美味的绿茶养乐多。 韩国海太天热烧烤干脆棒: 作为本饼干星人是不可能完全戒掉饼干的!这款饼干是马铃薯粉制成,含糖也低,相对不会对血糖影响很大。 日本healthy club营养机能代餐棒: 其实味道真的很好吃,陪着咖啡很适合下午茶。营养成分高,个人最喜欢黄油原味,不过成分应该也不是很低卡的视频,倒是挺管饱的! 🌸营养补品🌸 推荐dhc薏仁精华,消肿效果显著!onaka坚持吃效果还是不错的,对消化也有改善,主要帮助清理内脏垃圾,酵素比起减肥来讲感觉对皮肤反而有改善。