# 2020新年flag # Check in in July Staying at home because of the epidemic. Become very lazy. Eat and sleep. Gained a few pounds. The pants have shrunk. I can't wear them anymore. It can't go down like this any longer. So the daily check-in started again. I basically follow Pamela sports. Pamela is really red recently. I won't introduce more. Then I focus more on working the abs, buttocks and burning fat. I was sweating profusely after every workout. But it's really cool after sweating. My husband said that I feel my skin and the flesh on my stomach have tightened a little. I feel young hahaha Then he went to walmart today and brought back a yoga mat🤣 It is estimated that he also wants to "eliminate" his big belly.
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# 2020新年flag # 7月打卡 因为疫情宅家.变得好懒.吃吃睡睡.胖了几磅. 裤子都缩水.穿不下了. 不能再这样堕落下去了. 于是每日打卡又开始了. 我基本都是个跟着Pamela运动. 最近Pamela真的很红.就不多介绍了. 然后我比较focus锻炼腹部、臀部和燃烧脂肪. 每次练完都大汗淋漓. 不过流汗过后真的超爽的. 老公说感觉我皮肤.和肚子上的肉都紧致了一点. 感觉年轻了哈哈哈哈 然后他今天就去walmart也扛回来了一个瑜伽垫🤣 估计他也想要“消灭”他的大肚腩了.