# 亚米测评 # # 即食美味 # Thank you for the cuteness of Yamida~ I was able to get the opportunity to evaluate the food ^-^ This evaluation invited my fiance, friends, and three to try it together. Because the tastes of the three of us are just different (my Guangdong cub has a typical light taste, my fiancé’s American cub has a sweet taste, and my friend’s Sichuan cub’s taste is more spicy), so the evaluation is relatively comprehensive, and I hope to give you a more objective test conclusion. . >1 Cantonese-style Chinese sausage claypot Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three evaluation conclusions: - The sausage tastes salty and fresh, and has a good taste, which is similar to the Cantonese-style sausage sold separately in China; - The blessing of spicy fermented fermented bean sauce increases the spicy taste and makes up for the lack of flavor of the instant sausage. Moreover, the fermented fermented fermented fermented bean is packaged separately, and those who like it can add it and those who don't like it can omit it; - The amount of sausage is sufficient, and you can eat sausage and rice in every bite. It is very good for meat eaters to have a late night snack or a belly pad. - All three people liked it very much. It was the first claypot rice that was quickly eaten up in the evaluation, and it entered the purchase list of the three of us. >2 Braised Chicken Claypot Rice Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three evaluation conclusions: - Very fragrant, you can smell the aroma as soon as you open the package of Braised Chicken; - There are meat (chicken) and vegetarian (bamboo shoots), which are relatively nutritious in terms of matching; - Whether it is chicken or bamboo shoots, the taste is very good, especially the crunchy bamboo shoots are very good; - There is too little chicken, only a small piece of chicken with bones (the amount of sausage in the Chinese sausage claypot rice is enough to make a small piece of chicken when trying the yellow stewed chicken claypot rice, resulting in a difference in the tasting experience), and then the texture of the chicken is not very good ; - Too salty, the saltiest of the three claypot rice, especially with the accompanying spicy tempeh, even my Sichuan cub friends thought it was too salty. >3 Taiwanese Braised Pork Claypot Rice Recommended index: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three evaluation conclusions: - The salty fragrance is enough, it is delicious to eat with rice; - The amount of braised pork is moderate, you can eat almost every bite of rice, and the meat is obvious, at least you can chew the meat instead of minced meat; - Onion flavor and mushroom flavor (should be the king oyster mushroom in the ingredients) overshadowed the meat flavor; - From the perspective of ready-to-eat food, Taiwanese Braised Pork Claypot Rice can get a five-star recommendation index, because this claypot rice has reached the normal standard of going to the store to eat a Taiwanese Braised Pork Claypot Rice. - The reason for the four-star recommendation index instead of the five-star recommendation index is because the Sichuan cubs felt that the marinade was a bit greasy, and the onion and mushroom taste was too strong. Final evaluation conclusion: #1. The rice has a faint aroma of Thai basmati rice. After stewing, the rice is full of aroma; #2. The ingredients are packaged reasonably, especially the spicy tempeh, which gives people with different tastes more choices. Those who like spicy can add it, and those who don’t like it can be omitted. #3. Quantity is sufficient. Compared with my rice size (usually one bowl of rice + one dish), one serving of claypot rice can make me 80% full. Boys may be five full (with my fiancé as a reference). **Thanks again to the lovely Yami for giving me this opportunity to evaluate, and I hope our evaluation results can be helpful to the little cuties who come to Yami to go shopping~**
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yami_featured_image # 亚米测评 # # 即食美味 # 感谢亚米大可爱~能够获得美食测评机会^-^ 此次测评邀请了我未婚夫、朋友,三人一起试吃的。因为我们仨的口味刚好不一样(我广东崽典型清淡口味,未婚夫美国崽口味偏甜口,朋友四川崽口味偏重口麻辣),所以测评相对全面一些,希望给各位小可爱较为客观的测吃结论。 >1广式腊肠煲仔饭 推荐指数:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 三人测评结论: - 腊肠味道咸鲜、口感好,和国内单独售卖的广式腊肠差不多; - 香辣豆豉加持,增加了香辣味,弥补了即食腊肠香味不足的问题,而且豆豉独立分装,喜欢的人可以加而不喜欢的人可以不加; - 腊肠量足,每一口都能吃到腊肠和饭,肉食者宵夜或垫肚子都很赞。 - 三个人都很喜欢,是测评中第一份迅速被吃光光的煲仔饭,进入我们仨的购买清单。 >2 黄焖鸡煲仔饭 推荐指数:⭐️⭐️⭐️ 三人测评结论: - 很香,一打开黄焖鸡包装就闻到香味; - 有荤(鸡肉)有素(竹笋),从搭配上讲相对营养些; - 无论是鸡肉还是竹笋,口感都很好,尤其是竹笋脆脆的很好; - 鸡肉太少了,只有一小块带骨头鸡肉(腊肠煲仔饭的腊肠量足够导致试吃黄焖鸡煲仔饭时一小块鸡肉造成试吃体验落差),然后鸡肉绵绵的口感不是很好; - 太咸,是三份煲仔饭中最咸的,尤其是加了附带的香辣豆豉后显得更咸了,连我的四川崽朋友都觉得咸了。 >3台式卤肉煲仔饭 推荐指数:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 三人测评结论: - 咸香味足,拌着饭吃很好吃; - 卤肉量适中,差不多每一口饭都可以吃到,肉感明显,至少能够嚼到肉而不是碎肉; - 洋葱味和蘑菇味(应该是食材中的杏鲍菇)盖过了肉味; - 以即食食品的角度,台式卤肉煲仔饭可以拿到五颗星推荐指数,因为这份煲仔饭已经达到去店里吃一份台式卤肉煲仔饭的普通标准。 - 之所以四颗星推荐指数而不是五颗星推荐指数,是因为四川崽朋友觉得卤汁有点腻,然后洋葱与蘑菇味太大。 最后测评结论: #1、米饭有淡淡的泰国香米的香味,焖好后,米饭香味足; #2、食材分装合理,尤其是香辣豆豉分装,给不同口味的人多了选择权,喜欢香辣的可以加,不喜欢的可以不加。 #3、量足。以我的饭量为对比(平常一碗饭+一份菜),一份煲仔饭可以让我达到八分饱。男生可能五分饱(以我未婚夫为参照)。 **再次感谢亚米大可爱们给我这次测评机会,也希望我们的测评结果能够对来亚米逛吃逛吃的小可爱们有帮助~**