# 元气亚米红 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 五行缺辣 # # 亚米食谱 # I'm really lazy lately, my stomach is sticking to my back😭 I took out a pack of cold noodles and didn’t want to waste the time piece by piece, although I said that it was delicious 😋 When I bought it, I saw a comment saying that they were fried and eaten quickly, so I tried it and it was good👍😊 Mmmm .. is delicious mainly fast I unsealed the whole bag of cold noodles. Ha, let's see how much you can eat. Then cut it into a two-finger-wide shape like a rectangle, which is actually a convenient size that can be st0 into a small mouth. Put a little oil in the pan and throw in the onions, then directly put the flaky cold noodles and two large eggs in it and stir fry it casually. Then I put half a bag of sauce, add a little water, about 4oz, and then a little salt and shallots Or coriander can also be heated for a while and then sprinkled with the included cold flour packet at the end. Absolutely, I can't do it without it, it's a bonus ❤️ After eating, I went to order again
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yami_featured_image # 元气亚米红 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 五行缺辣 # # 亚米食谱 # 真的很懒最近 , 肚子已经贴到了背😭 拿出一包 冷面 又不想一片一片的 弄 废时间呀 虽然说那样也很好吃 😋在买的时间有看到评论说他们直接炒了吃 也很快 所以就试了下 不错 👍😊 嗯嗯.. 是好吃的 主要是快 把冷面整袋 都解封了 哈 看个人量 能吃多少开多少吧 然后切成两手指宽的 类似长方型的样子 其实就是能塞进小口 方便的大小 平底锅 放点油 一丢丢洋葱 扔进去 然后直接下片状冷面 大两个蛋进去 翻炒 随便乱来 然后我是放了半袋的酱 加了点水 大概4oz 的样子 然后一点点盐 青葱 或者香菜也可以 加热一会 出锅 然后最后撒上附带的冷面粉包。绝了 没它不行 很加分❤️ 吃完又去下了一单