I am very grateful to Yamibuy and Mama.com for this evaluation activity. When I first started the test, my first target was Dawang. I used it before, and it was good, and many mothers recommended Dawang. Zhihu on Xiaohongshu said that the king is easier to use than Kao. But the king is too hot, many mothers want it, and the size is not particularly suitable. I chose Kao, and I am glad for my choice! This is a general-purpose pull-up pants for boys, girls, and girls. I use the King's Boys' and the American version of the Pampers 360 pull-up pants. Usually, the baby wears it for about 3 hours, and a large piece will protrude, and it feels like the diaper will break. This one is completely gone. For the peculiar smell of Baba, it is similar to the other two, and both have the effect of deodorizing. The thickness is similar to that of King diapers, and the overall experience of Kao is better Attached is the renderings of my baby's wear. Now this size is a bit too large for us, but there is no leakage of urine. In China, I think Kao is not easy to use, and it may be that I bought a fake. I really envy Japanese babies, diapers are very useful! I will buy Kao when I have almost used up. # 花王纸尿裤 #
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非常感谢亚米网和妈妈网这次的测评活动,最开始抢测的时候,我最先的目标是大王,我以前用过,还不错,并且很多妈妈推荐大王。知乎上小红书上都说大王比花王好用。但是大王太热了,好些妈妈想要,尺码也不是特别合适了,我选择了花王,庆幸自己的选择! 这是一款男宝女宝通用的拉拉裤,一点都不坨,特别兜尿。我用的大王男宝的和美版帮宝适360的拉拉裤,通常宝宝穿戴3个小时左右,就会凸出来一大块,感觉尿不湿要破。这款穿完完全没有。对于粑粑的异味,和其他两款表现差不多,都具有减臭的作用。厚度和大王纸尿裤差不多,整体体验花王更好 附上我娃穿戴的效果图,现在这个尺码对我们有点偏大,不过并没有漏尿的情况。国内觉得花王不好用的,有可能是买到了假货。真心羡慕日本的宝宝,纸尿裤很好用!等我囤货用的差不多,就来买花王. # 花王纸尿裤 #