When the time came it # 面膜解说员 # ~ # 面膜控 # # 我的美丽日记 # talk about this sandy Aloe # 面膜 # of experience. 1. 面膜 Packaging: Individual packaging. A box of 8️⃣ bags, each bag of 面膜 is folded and folded with plastic paper. 2. Essence: Essence clear and refreshing essence, 23ml per bag, very thin. 3. 面膜 paste cutting: cutting is relatively common, and it is impossible to avoid wrinkles when applied to the face. This 面膜 can not be applied to the nose, nor to the junction of the face and ears. 4. 面膜 Taste: I will give 70/💯 out of 100, no fault. ☑️The following is the punch & experience: 9/3/2020_Day 1️⃣: Finished at 22:19. This box is seamless 我的美丽日记_Natto fermented moisturizing 面膜. I put it on after taking a shower, and I wear makeup during the day, and there is no discomfort on my face after applying it. During the process of applying, 🈚️ tingling feeling, also 🈚️ itching, no allergy, I personally think it is used for sensitive skin 🉑️ (I have sensitive skin). It was very moist just after applying it. After applying Natto Fermentation Moisturizing 面膜 my face had 3 pimples and it was very painful. After applying this tablet, the pimples on my face disappeared immediately, and the next day no pain! ! I am very satisfied. Really, the two on the forehead have also recovered. 9/4/2020_Day 2️⃣: Finish at 2:57. Make up during the day 🈚️ and apply it after washing your face. No stinging or itching during application. I am so satisfied today! After applying it yesterday, the fat granule problem has improved, and my face is not oily at all (the air conditioner is turned on at home). It's really soothing! 9/6/2020_Day 3️⃣: Finish at 0:17. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. No itching or tingling during application. One of the 3 pimples I have had before is gone! Complete! gone, the skin is very soothing. I can't see the pimples on my face, but I can still feel a little bit with my hands. My skin felt so good yesterday that I forgot to apply 面膜… 9/6/2020_Day 4️⃣: Finished at 23:24. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. No itching or stinging during the process. I am so satisfied. Really, the last pimple is also deflated (the other pimples are gone)! And the skin is really soothed, so comfortable! 9/8/2020_Day 5️⃣: Finish at 0:58. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. No itching or tingling in the middle. Two words: soothing is over. 9/8/2020_Day 6️⃣: Finished at 22:46. Make up during the day 🈶️, after removing makeup and washing face, apply. No itching or tingling in the middle. Continuous soothing. 9/9/2020_Day 7️⃣: Finished at 23:04. I wear makeup during the day and apply it after showering. No itching or tingling in the middle. My face is a little itchy during the day, maybe a little allergic. The last piece was used by my roommate hahaha. Summarize directly. Summary: Don't stop me from repurchasing! ! This one is really okay!
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就来当一次# 面膜解说员 #吧~# 面膜控 #讲一下# 我的美丽日记 #这款沙地芦荟舒缓# 面膜 #的使用感受。 1. 面膜包装:独立包装。一盒8️⃣袋,每袋一片面膜跟塑料纸叠合折好放在一起。 2. 精华液:精华液透明的清爽精华液,每袋23ml,很稀。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:裁剪较为普通,敷在脸上无法避免褶皱。这款面膜敷不到鼻翼,也敷不到脸部与耳朵的交界处。 4. 面膜味道:满分100我给70/💯吧,无功无过。 ☑️以下为打卡&使用感受: 9/3/2020_第1️⃣天:22:19敷完。这盒无缝衔接我的美丽日记_纳豆发酵保湿面膜。冲完澡敷的,白天有化妆,敷完后全脸无不适。敷的过程中🈚️刺痛感,也🈚️发痒感,无过敏,个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。刚敷完很湿润,敷完纳豆发酵保湿面膜之后我的脸长了3个痘,而且很疼。这片敷完之后脸蛋上的痘立刻不红了,第二天也不疼了!!我很满意真的,脑门上的两颗也见好了。 9/4/2020_第2️⃣天:2:57敷完。白天🈚️化妆,洗完脸敷的。敷的过程中无刺痛无发痒。我太满意了今天!昨天敷完后脂肪粒问题有变好,而且脸一点都不油(家里有开空调)。它真的很舒缓! 9/6/2020_第3️⃣天:0:17敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。敷的过程中无发痒无刺痛。之前长得3颗痘的其中一颗已经完!全!消了,皮肤非常舒缓。脸蛋上的痘看不出来了,只是手还可以摸到一点点。昨天一天皮肤感觉非常好以至于我压根忘了敷面膜的事…… 9/6/2020_第4️⃣天:23:24敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。过程中无发痒无刺痛。我太满意了真的,最后一个痘也瘪了(其他痘都消了)!而且皮肤真的被舒缓了,好舒服啊! 9/8/2020_第5️⃣天:0:58敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。中间无发痒无刺痛。俩字儿:舒缓就完事儿了。 9/8/2020_第6️⃣天:22:46敷完。白天🈶️化妆,卸完妆洗完脸敷的。中途无发痒无刺痛。持续舒缓。 9/9/2020_第7️⃣天:23:04敷完。白天有化妆,洗完澡敷的。中途无发痒无刺痛。今天白天脸有一点发痒,可能有点过敏。最后一片室友拿去用了哈哈哈哈。直接总结吧。 总结:谁都不要拦我回购!!这款真的没毛病!