When the time came it # 面膜解说员 # ~ # 面膜控 # talk about my diary this lily white and beautiful flower crafts # 面膜 # of experience. 1. 面膜 package: standalone package. A box of 7️⃣ bags, each bag is 面膜 folded and folded with plastic paper. 2. Essence: The essence is transparent, very thin, 20ml per bag, and the essence will drip down after application. 3. 面膜 paste clipping: clipping is normal, smaller than other 面膜. This 面膜 cannot be applied to the nose, the mandibular angle, or the junction of the face and ears. (The film cloth is thicker than the film cloth of the 8-pack of Beauty Diary) 4. 面膜 taste: I give 67/💯 out of 100. ☑️The following is the punch & experience: 9/21/2020_Day 1️⃣: Finish at 1:38. This box seamlessly connects to my beauty diary_Official Bird's Nest Nourishing 面膜. No makeup during the day, apply it after bathing, no discomfort on the whole face after applying. During the process of applying, 🈚️ tingling feeling, also 🈚️ itching, no allergy, I personally think it is used for sensitive skin 🉑️ (I have sensitive skin). It's annoying to drip the serum down. Wake up with great skin in the morning! But it will be oily. 9/21/2020_Day 2️⃣: Finish at 12:15. There is makeup, after removing makeup and washing the face, the essence drips down during the process is a bit annoying, but there is no discomfort. After applying it, I feel a little 🤏🏻 whitening effect, because a small pimple on my face 3 days ago is no longer red and the color has become lighter. 9/23/2020_Day 3️⃣: Finish at 0:27. During the day 🈶️ make-up, remove make-up and apply after shower, without any discomfort during the process. Today the color of that little pimple has disappeared by half. 9/23/2020_Day 4️⃣: Apply after 11:35. With makeup, after removing makeup and applying, there is no discomfort during the process. This 面膜 will be oily after use up, and now I feel that there is a high probability of stepping on the thunder. 9/25/2020_Day 5️⃣: Finished at 21:17. No makeup during the day, no discomfort during the shower. This 面膜 will cause acne, and there is a high probability that it will not be repurchased. There is a small pox near the hairline of the forehead, and this position has never grown before... 9/27/2020_Day 6️⃣: Finish at 1:16. No makeup during the day, and I applied it after washing my face. There was no discomfort during the process, but the essence kept dripping into my neck. The high probability of holding back acne is a real hammer. Today, the skin condition is generally good when I slept, and the oily situation is more serious than that of the other ones I applied before. There are no variables except 面膜, so I think it should be the problem of 面膜. 9/28/2020_Day 7️⃣: Finished at 00:06. Makeup during the day 🈚️, apply it after bathing, no discomfort during the process. Thank you, after using this 面膜, I was disfigured, and there were several small pimples near the forehead and hairline. Maybe it has something to do with me getting angry too? But it's a good coincidence, it's not that I haven't been on fire before. And this 面膜 is really oily when it is used up, and it keeps dripping down when I apply it. Summary: 🐷Buy again I'm a pig! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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就来当一次# 面膜解说员 #吧~# 面膜控 #讲一下我的美丽日记这款百合净白花萃# 面膜 #的使用感受。 1. 面膜包装:独立包装。一盒7️⃣袋,每袋一片面膜跟塑料纸叠合折好放在一起。 2. 精华液:精华液是透明的,非常稀,每袋20ml,敷后精华液会往下滴💧。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:裁剪很普通,比其他面膜小。这款面膜敷不到鼻翼,敷不到下颌角,也敷不到脸部与耳朵的交界处。(膜布比8片装的美丽日记的膜布厚) 4. 面膜味道:满分100我给67/💯吧。 ☑️以下为打卡&使用感受: 9/21/2020_第1️⃣天:1:38敷完。这盒无缝衔接我的美丽日记_官燕窝全效滋养面膜。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的,敷完后全脸无不适。敷的过程中🈚️刺痛感,也🈚️发痒感,无过敏,个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。精华液往下滴很烦。早晨起来皮肤不错!但是会油。 9/21/2020_第2️⃣天:12:15敷完。有化妆,卸完妆洗完脸敷的,过程中精华液往下滴有点讨厌,但是无不适。敷完感觉有一点点🤏🏻净白作用,因为3天前脸蛋上的一个小痘现在已经不红了,颜色变浅了。 9/23/2020_第3️⃣天:0:27敷完。白天🈶️化妆,卸妆洗完澡敷的,过程中无任何不适。今天那个小痘的颜色已经消去一半了。 9/23/2020_第4️⃣天:11:35之后敷完。有化妆,卸完妆敷的,过程中无不适。这个面膜用完后会油,现在觉得大概率踩雷了。 9/25/2020_第5️⃣天:21:17敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的,过程中无任何不适。这个面膜会焖痘,大概率不会回购。脑门发际线附近出现了小痘,以前这个位置没有长过…… 9/27/2020_第6️⃣天:1:16敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的,过程中无不适,但精华液一直往脖子里滴。会憋痘大概率是实锤了,今天睡一觉起来皮肤状态一般好,出油情况比之前敷别的面膜严重。中途除了面膜什么变量都没有,所以觉得应该是面膜的问题。 9/28/2020_第7️⃣天:00:06敷完。白天🈚️化妆,洗完澡敷的,过程中无不适。谢谢,这面膜用完我毁容了,脑门发际线附近小痘好几个了。可能跟我上火也有关?但是好巧啊,以前也不是没上过火。而且这面膜用完是真的出油啊,敷的时候还往下滴个没完。 总结:🐷再买我是猪!!!!!!!!