When the time came it # 面膜解说员 # ~ # 面膜控 # talk about ALBION O Er Bin This Skin Conditioner toning cream # 面膜 # medicinal use of experience. 1. 面膜 Package: Standalone package. A box of 8️⃣ bags, one piece per bag. 2. Essence: The essence is light white, very thin, 12ml per bag. 3. 面膜 paste crop: 面膜 is huge! You can apply it anywhere, you need to adjust it yourself. 面膜 is not compliant but does not affect usage. 4. 面膜 Taste: I give 63/💯 out of 100. 5. Apply often: 5-10 minutes‼ ️ ☑️The following is the punch & experience: 10/5/2020_Day 1️⃣: Finish at 11:30. This one has alcohol. 🈶️Make-up, after removing the makeup and washing the face, there is no discomfort on the whole face after applying. During the process of applying, 🈚️ tingling feeling, also 🈚️ itching, no allergy, I personally think it is used for sensitive skin 🉑️ (I have sensitive skin). This box seamlessly connects to my beauty diary_Witch hazel oil control flower extract面膜, compared to all the previous beauty diaries面膜Olbine is so useful! It's really comfortable after applying it. 10/6/2020_Day 2️⃣: Finished at 23:28. I wear makeup during the day and apply it after showering. It's cool and so comfortable 😌I really control oil during the day❗️To be honest, this anti-inflammatory and acne-removing effect is really good. My small fat granules and pimples are all gone. 10/7/2020_Day 3️⃣: Finish at 22:57. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. There was no discomfort during the process, it was really comfortable. 10/9/2020_Day 4️⃣: No makeup during the day, apply after bathing. So comfortable! ! ! ! ! 10/10/2020_Day 5️⃣: Finish at 1:45. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. My pimples are completely gone. This time, the pimples were all on the forehead, the small ones with white fat particles in them, all went down! 10/11/2020_Day 6️⃣: Finish at 4:11. Make up during the day 🈚️ and apply it after showering. So cool! ! ! All the pimples are gone! ! ! ! 10/12/2020_Day 7️⃣: Finish at 2:01. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. My face became so flat hahahahahahaha 10/12/2020_Day 8️⃣: Finish at 15:52. No makeup, just apply after washing your face. I love this 面膜 so much, it’s very comfortable to take care of things. Alcohol is a bit irritating to the eyes and makes you want to cough when you smell it, but it doesn't work! Summary: You must repurchase acne! Anti-inflammatory and calming is completely OK!
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yami_featured_image 就来当一次# 面膜解说员 #吧~# 面膜控 #讲一下ALBION澳尔滨这款Skin Conditioner药用爽肤精华# 面膜 #的使用感受。 1. 面膜包装:独立包装。一盒8️⃣袋,每袋一片。 2. 精华液:精华液是浅白色的,非常稀,每袋12ml。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:面膜很大!什么地方都敷得到,需要自己调整。面膜不服贴但是不影响使用。 4. 面膜味道:满分100我给63/💯吧。 5. 应敷时常:5-10分钟‼️ ☑️以下为打卡&使用感受: 10/5/2020_第1️⃣天:11:30敷完。这个有酒精的。🈶️化妆,卸完妆洗完脸敷的,敷完后全脸无不适。敷的过程中🈚️刺痛感,也🈚️发痒感,无过敏,个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。这盒无缝衔接我的美丽日记_金缕梅控油花萃面膜,比起之前所有美丽日记面膜澳尔滨太好用了!敷完之后真的特别舒服。 10/6/2020_第2️⃣天:23:28敷完。白天有化妆,洗完澡敷的。凉凉的好舒服啊😌白天真的控油❗️说实话这消炎祛痘效果真的挺好的,我那小脂肪粒痘手欠挤了都消了。 10/7/2020_第3️⃣天:22:57敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。过程中无任何不适,真舒服啊敷完了。 10/9/2020_第4️⃣天:白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。好舒服啊!!!!! 10/10/2020_第5️⃣天:1:45敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。我的痘已经全消了。这次长痘都在脑门儿上,那种小小的里面有白色脂肪粒的那种,全都下去了! 10/11/2020_第6️⃣天:4:11敷完。白天🈚️化妆,洗完澡敷的。太爽了!!!所有的痘都没了!!!! 10/12/2020_第7️⃣天:2:01敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。我的脸变得好平整哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 10/12/2020_第8️⃣天:15:52敷完。无化妆,洗完脸敷的。我太爱这面膜了,管事儿不说,还特别舒服。酒精是有点辣眼睛而且闻了有点想咳嗽,但是架不住它管用啊! 总结:一定长痘回购!消炎镇定完全OK!