# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # ❤️First of all, I have to say that this is my current favorite Xi'an steamed bun, there is no one❗️I only know how delicious this is after I have eaten it! Stock up on it, it's really delicious! There are two flavors in total. I like the red box "Xi'an Xiaochaobao" and the yellow box "Xi'an Baobao", but the red box is more often out of stock. 💛Brand: Liu Yipao Product name: Xi'an steamed bun/Xi'an fried steamed bun Net content: 260g Yami Price: $4.39 ❤️ Last night, my family and I had a red box of stir-fried steamed buns. A box is quite a lot. Adding some side dishes is enough for two people to eat. Yesterday, the mutton soup was boiled directly in water, and it was very tasty. I brought fans, fungus, and golden needles as side dishes. I added extra agaric, golden needles and small rapeseed. Of course, the sugar and garlic in it is the finishing touch! The soup and sauce are all very tasty, and the buns are vacuum-packed and there is no problem of being broken. In short, any place is good, just buy it! 💛Although I am not from Xi'an, I also like all kinds of Xi'an food very much. I also have a friend who is a native of Xi'an. She also said that it is very delicious after eating it. It really feels like "returning to Xi'an in one bowl", under my Amway Several friends are frantically placing orders and stocking up!
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # ❤️首先要说,这是我目前最爱的西安泡馍,没有之一❗️吃过了不好吃的才知道这个有多好吃!多多囤起来吧,真的是太好吃啦!一共两种口味,红色盒「西安小炒泡馍」和黄色盒「西安泡馍」我都很喜欢,但是红色更常断货。 💛品牌:刘一泡 品名:西安泡馍/西安小炒泡馍 净含量:260g 亚米售价:$4.39 ❤️昨晚宵夜我和家属吃的红色盒的小炒泡馍,一盒分量挺多的,自己加点配菜足够两个人都吃饱。昨天没煮羊肉汤直接清水煮的也非常入味,自带粉丝、木耳、金针菜做配菜,我自己又加了额外的木耳、金针菜和小油菜。当然里面带的糖蒜是点睛之笔!汤汁酱料都非常有味,馍粒是真空包装完全不存在会碎的问题,总之哪哪都好,买就对了! 💛虽然我不是西安人,但是也非常喜欢各种西安美食,我也有好友是地道西安人,她吃了也说特别好吃,真的有“一碗回西安”的感觉,在我的安利下好几个朋友都疯狂下单囤货啦!