# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # This Japanese NESTLE KITKAT sandwich wafer chocolate It is quite famous in the drying area. I was first planted by a friend. She said their family loves them very much, old and young. Especially the matcha flavor. The matcha tea tastes really strong. Although it's chocolate. But sweet but not greasy. I like to eat it frozen every time. It tastes better. But it's probably a weather issue. Especially in summer. There are signs of melting every time I receive it. Luckily it didn't affect the taste. Still the same crispy. The same flavor. It just affects the beauty. I also love the strawberry flavor. The strawberry flavor is a bit sweeter than the matcha flavor.
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 这款日本NESTLE雀巢·KITKAT夹心威化巧克力 在晒货区算是小有名气了. 我最早是被朋友种草的. 她说她们家老的小的都很爱. 特别是抹茶口味. 确实抹茶口味特别浓郁. 虽然是巧克力. 但是甜而不腻. 我每次都喜欢把它冰冻后在食.味道更佳. 不过大概是天气问题. 特别是夏天. 每一次收到后都有融化的迹象. 好在没有影响口感. 还是一样脆.一样香. 就是影响美感. 我也很喜欢草莓口味. 草莓口味会比抹茶味甜一些.