# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Because of the recent season change. Throat is a little uncomfortable. So I thought of the [Dragon Horn San Throat Lozenges] in the medicine cabinet. This is from Japan. It is a very famous throat lozenge in Japan. It is for sore throat, dryness, itching, cough, phlegm, etc. There are also many flavors on Yamibuy. I like the mint flavored throat lozenges. I feel "strong". Because in my mind peppermint is really good for the throat. Tell me how it tastes. I think it has a strong mint flavor. It feels irritating when you first start taking it. But slowly you get used to it. It really depends on the individual. It's the same as eating spicy. Spicy is not spicy. The effect is remarkable. I choose it every time I feel uncomfortable. Recommended to you in need.
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yami_featured_image # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 因为最近换季.喉咙有点不舒服. 所以就想到了药箱里的【龙角散润喉糖】了. 这是产自日本的. 在日本是很出名的一款润喉糖. 是针对嗓子疼痛.干燥.干痒.咳嗽.化痰.等润喉功效. 亚米网上的口味也很多种. 我润喉糖喜欢薄荷味的. 觉得“效果强”. 因为在我意识里薄荷真的对喉咙特别好. 要说味道怎么样. 我觉得就是口味很重的薄荷糖味道了. 刚开始含的时候会感觉刺激. 但是慢慢的就习惯了. 真的看个人.跟吃辣.辣不辣一个道理. 效果是显著的. 每次不舒服我都是选择它. 推荐给有需要的你.