# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🌶️The 50 cents a bag of spicy sticks that I bought at the school gate when I was a child is a taste that I remember deeply. Most of our children born in the 1980s are also parents, but I still miss the days when I was a child eating together at the school gate, So many people still eat spicy strips and feel the joy of childhood. 🌶️The times have not forgotten us people. Spicy sticks have not been eliminated, but they have emerged one after another. For example, this spicy gluten is more delicious and more convenient to pack, but it still tastes like the canteen in front of the school. 🌶️Brand: Spicy Tona Product name: hand torn gluten mixed pack Net content: 286g Yami selling price: $3.39 💛Garlic aroma: The taste is very strong, not very spicy, and you can eat a very fragrant garlic aroma. 🧄 💙Barbecue flavor: On the basis of the sweet and spicy flavor, the cumin flavor is added, and it tastes very barbecued. This one is not very spicy. ❤️ Spicy flavor: This is a very authentic spicy tiao taste, sweet and spicy, with some spicy taste, very refreshing. 🌶️The design of the independent packaging is particularly good, because they are relatively oily, so as to avoid the situation of oil leakage. You can eat three flavors in one package, which is really great value! The taste is a little hard, but once you eat it, you can't stop, the seasoning is in place, and it's delicious!
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🌶️小时候在学校门口买的五毛钱一袋的辣条是我记忆很深的味道,我们这帮80后的孩子大部分也都为人父母了,但是仍然怀念小时候一起在学校门口吃东西的日子,所以很多人现在仍然吃着辣条,感受小时候的快乐。 🌶️时代没有忘记我们这些人,辣条不仅没有被淘汰,反而层出不穷,例如这款麻辣多拿 手撕面筋,口味更丰富,包装更方便,却依旧吃出了学校门口小卖部的味道。 🌶️品牌:麻辣多拿 品名:手撕面筋 混合装 净含量:286g 亚米售价:$3.39 💛蒜香味:味道特别足,不是很辣的口味,吃得到很香的蒜香味。🧄 💙烧烤味:在甜辣口味的基础上增加了孜然味,吃起来就很烧烤了,这款也不是很辣。 ❤️麻辣味:这款就是很正宗的辣条口味,甜辣的,还带着一些麻辣感,很爽。 🌶️独立包装的设计特别好,因为都比较油,这样避免了吃不完漏油的情况。一包可以吃到三种口味,真的是超值!口感稍微偏硬一些,但是一旦吃上又停不下来,调料非常到位,够味儿!