What to eat for fitness check-in. Today, I have fried green beans with prince mushrooms. The Prince Mushroom was purchased from [Yami Fresh]. Green beans are home grown. I introduced green beans a few days ago. Today, let's talk a little bit about Prince Mushroom. # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Prince Mushroom is also called [Pleurotus eryngii] The fried chicken is thick. But the taste is crisp and tender. Crispy and smooth. I like it very much. It is also very nutritious. More than just vegetable protein content. It also contains various amino acids. It has polysaccharides that improve human immunity, prevent cancer and fight cancer. By the way. It is very helpful to promote digestion. In this way, the bowel movement is smooth. Is the body naturally healthy. And lose weight. Always a delicious mushroom 🍄 Today is to fry it directly with green beans. Add in tasteless, oyster sauce and sesame oil and it's ready to serve. Here I recommend a Japanese Kadoya sesame oil that I always keep at home. call for it. The scent is the most authentic in my opinion. It is a versatile sauce for the kitchen. I believe that people who have entered the kitchen are familiar with it. By the way. Don't pour too much sesame oil. Otherwise it will be boring. So a bottle like this will last a long time.
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健身打卡吃什么. 今天吃王子菇炒四季豆. 王子菇是【亚米生鲜】买的. 四季豆是自家种的. 前几天介绍过四季豆了. 今天对王子菇稍说说. # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 王子菇也叫【杏鲍菇】 肉炒鸡肥厚.但是口感脆嫩.脆滑.我超级喜欢. 它的营养也是十分丰富. 不仅含有植物蛋白含量. 还有含各种氨基酸. 具有提高人体免疫力、防癌抗癌的多糖. 对了.对促进消化很有帮助哦. 这样排便通畅.是不是身体自然健康.而且减肥啦. 总是是个好吃的菇菇🍄 今天是直接将它和四季豆一起炒. 加入无味.蚝油和麻油即可出锅啦. 这里在推荐一款我家中常备的日本Kadoya麻油. 为它打call. 香味是我觉得最最正宗的一款. 是一款厨房的百搭酱料. 相信有进厨房的人对它都不陌生. 对了.别倒太多麻油哦. 不然会很腻的. 所以这样的一瓶可以用好久呢