# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🥢 This snail powder is the best package I have seen so far. I am also attracted by the packaging. In addition, Yami Xiaoer pyq said that it is Hermes in the snail powder world. I can buy it for only five dollars. Why doesn't Hermès try it? 🤣😝🤩 🥢 Brand: Aunt Luo Net content: 300g Place of Origin: Liuzhou, Guangxi Yami selling price: $4.59 Ingredients: rice noodle bag, peanut bean curd bag, sour bamboo shoot bag, mustard fungus bag, sour bean radish bag, sauce bag, vinegar bag, chili oil bag. 🥢 As soon as I opened the sauce bag, I thought this would be delicious, because the sauce bag is obviously rich, although it does not contain snail meat. Other side dishes are normal, yuba is a little less. The overall amount is okay, and if you eat a large bowl by yourself, adding a few dishes is quite filling. 🥢 I like the taste very much, the soup is very fragrant and the taste is very positive! But it was a little salty for me, and I was very thirsty after eating a bowl by myself, so I kept drinking water. . It may be better to add a few more dishes and cook it into two bowls. The only fly in the ointment is the common problem in snail powder. Peanuts are too unpalatable. Basically, the peanuts in this bag of snail powder are not crispy at all. Do not eat peanuts. Overall, I really like this snail powder! The taste dominates!
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🥢这款螺蛳粉是目前我看到的包装最高大上的了,我也是被包装吸引,再加上亚米小二pyq介绍说是螺蛳粉界的爱马仕,我看才五刀就能买到的爱马仕为何不试试呢?🤣😝🤩 🥢品牌:螺阿姨 净含量:300g 产地:广西柳州 亚米售价:$4.59 配料:米粉包、花生腐竹包、酸笋包、榨菜木耳包、酸豆角萝卜干包、酱包、醋包、辣椒油包。 🥢打开酱包的一瞬间我就觉得这个会好吃,因为酱包很明显的浓郁,虽然里面不含螺肉。其他配菜都算正常,腐竹有点少。整体量还算可以,一大碗一个人吃的话加点菜还挺饱的。 🥢味道我很喜欢,汤汁非常香浓,味道很正!但是对我来说稍微有点咸了,自己吃一碗吃完很口渴,一直喝水。。可能多加点菜煮成两碗会更好一些。唯一美中不足的就是螺蛳粉里的通病,花生🥜太难吃,基本这种袋装螺蛳粉里的花生都这样,一点也不脆,感觉放了好久的感觉,不过这个对我影响不大,大不了不吃花生。整体这个螺蛳粉我是非常喜欢的!味道占大优势!