# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🔥Xinjiang Fried Rice Noodles is back! The spicy food I ate before was really spicy, but this time I will try the medium spicy! Although it was so spicy last time, I really couldn't stop eating it. This time I have experience, and I don't dare to put all the chili sauce packets at once, so take it easy! 🔥This time, I fried two portions of rice noodles in total, and the same rice noodles were soaked for 12 hours in advance. The next day, they were boiled for 10 minutes and then cooled in cold water. This time I added side dishes including 🥕 carrots, rapeseed, green peppers, pork chops, shredded green onions and coriander. 🔥Saute garlic slices until fragrant, then fry all the side dishes, and then add the chili sauce packets. This time, I put a total of one packet of medium spicy sauce packets. After thinking about the spiciness, I definitely want to add the second packet. , as it turns out, no! Add the sauce packet, add a small amount of water, stir well, add rice noodles and stir well, finally add shredded green onion and shredded parsley and stir fry. Because I only put a pack of spicy buns, the spicy taste is definitely enough, but the color is a little worse, I added some dark soy sauce and oyster sauce, the taste and color are enough! Just right after the pan! Compared with the spicy 🌶️ I prefer medium spicy, spicy and spicy! There is still a packet of sauce left to fry the noodles~ 🔥This Xinjiang Fried Rice Noodles is available in mild, medium, and spicy. Friends who like it can place an order! Suddenly seeing Yami's introduction hit my point of laughter "experience Dilireba's happiness in one bite" 🤣 Friends who want to experience Dilireba's happiness, hurry up and eat Xinjiang fried rice noodles~
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🔥新疆炒米粉又来啦!之前吃的爆辣真的辣蒙我了,这次尝试下中辣!虽然上次那么辣,但真的也是吃的停不下来,这次有了经验,辣椒酱包不敢一次性全部放了,悠着点来! 🔥这次一共炒了两份米粉,还是同样的米粉提前12小时浸泡,第二天煮10来分钟后过冷水,这次我加的配菜有🥕胡萝卜、油菜、青椒、猪排肉、葱丝和香菜。 🔥先用蒜片爆香,然后炒所有配菜,然后加入辣椒酱包,我这次一共放了一包中辣的酱包,想着尝尝辣度再绝定要不要继续放第二包,事实证明,不用!加了酱包加少量水炒匀加入米粉翻炒均匀,最后加入葱丝香菜丝翻炒。因为我只放了一包辣包,辣味绝对够,但是感觉颜色差了一点,我加了点老抽和蚝油,味道颜色都够啦!出锅后刚刚好!相比爆辣🌶️我更喜欢中辣,香辣香辣的!还剩一包酱料可以炒面呀~ 🔥这款新疆炒米粉有微辣、中辣、爆辣都有货,喜欢的朋友可以去下单啦!突然看到亚米的介绍戳中了我的笑点“一口体会迪丽热巴的快乐”🤣朋友们有想体会迪丽热巴的快乐的赶快去吃新疆炒米粉吧~