# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🌷First of all, I would like to thank Yamibuy.com for letting me grab a box of [Duck Blood Tofu], so I started planning the duck blood vermicelli soup, duck liver and duck intestines, which I haven’t eaten in years. , so the material is not complete, but it is very satisfying to have duck blood, fans and duck soup! 🌷I finally roasted my duck two days ago, and left the duck rack to stew a pot of duck soup, so come and make duck blood vermicelli soup! Coupled with Yamibuy's [Liu Po·You Spicy Child], it was instantly sublimated! Longkou fan Yami also has it~ 🌟Ingredients and practices🌟 First stew duck soup: 1) Open the duck frame and put it into the pot, add some water, add cooking wine, ginger slices, green onion, pepper and star anise (put it in the spice shell) 2) After the fire is boiled, cover the lid and simmer on low heat. I simmered for about 2 hours, and the duck rack is completely soft and rotten. I simmered a pot of duck soup a day in advance, and heated it the next day with the desired amount. Duck blood fans: 1) Take out the duck blood tofu, wash it and cut it into the shape you want, then rinse it and soak it in salt water for later use. 2) Cut some side dishes you like, you should add some tofu and green vegetables, but I don't have them at home, so I cut lotus root slices and lettuce. I didn't have duck intestines, duck liver, etc., so I put some duck meat. 3) Heat the duck soup in the desired amount (my family does not eat blood, so I am the only one, so I heated a bowl), add a packet of Longkou vermicelli when the side dishes are almost cooked, pay attention Don't cook the vermicelli for a long time, it won't taste good until it sticks. After about two or three minutes, add duck blood and cook for about 3 minutes. 4) Finally, add a little salt, oyster sauce, and a little sesame oil for simple seasoning. I forgot to put the cilantro in the end, it's even better with some cilantro! If you like spicy food, add your favorite chili. 🌷The fans cooked just right! Very smooth, the duck blood is very fresh, and the taste is very good! And then infinite 🌈💨 still have to give Liu Po oil a spritz! Adding a tablespoon of it instantly makes the duck blood vermicelli soup more flavorful! Not too spicy, very fragrant!
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🌷首先感谢亚米网,让我抢到了一盒【鸭血豆腐】,于是乎我就开始筹划我好几年没有吃到的鸭血粉丝汤,鸭肝鸭肠等我这边肯定是买不到了,所以材料并不完全,但是有鸭血有粉丝有鸭汤就非常满足啦! 🌷前两天终于烤了我家那只鸭子,然后留下鸭架炖了一锅鸭汤,就赶快来做鸭血粉丝汤啦!再加上亚米网的【六婆·油泼辣子】简直瞬间升华!龙口粉丝亚米也有~ 🌟食材及做法🌟 首先炖鸭汤: 1)鸭架掰开放入锅中,加多一些清水,加入料酒、姜片、葱段、花椒和八角(放香料壳里了) 2)大火烧开后盖盖子小火炖,我炖了大概2小时,鸭架已经完全软烂。 我提前一天炖好一锅的鸭汤,第二天取想要的量加热即可。 鸭血粉丝: 1)鸭血豆腐取出洗干净切成自己想要的形状,然后冲干净泡在盐水中备用。 2)切一些喜欢的配菜,应该加一些豆腐泡和青菜,但是我家没有,我切了藕片和莴笋。我没有鸭肠鸭肝等,所以放了些鸭肉。 3)鸭汤盛出想要的量加热(我家属不吃血,所以只有我一个人,我就热了一碗的量),加入配菜煮至快熟的时候加一包龙口粉丝,注意粉丝不要煮很久,煮到粘了就不好吃了,大概煮两三分钟的样子加入鸭血一起煮3分钟左右。 4)最后加少许盐、蚝油、一点点香油简单调味即可。最后我忘了放香菜了,放点香菜更好吃!喜欢吃辣的加上自己喜欢的辣子。 🌷粉丝煮的刚刚好!非常爽滑,鸭血非常新鲜的,口感也特别好!然后无限🌈💨还是要给六婆油泼辣子!加上一大勺瞬间觉得鸭血粉丝汤更有滋味了!不是很辣,特别香!