# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # The first time I bought this package of ready-mixed powder was on Yami Since I tried it, I can't stop and repurchase infinitely Premixes are a great companion on busy days Follow the recipe to mix the other ingredients needed Then roll it into a ball of the same size and you can go down and bake it. The baked bread is so fragrant, crispy on the outside and glutinous on the inside Almost swept away by the kids every time I do it A must-have helper at home Fresh and delicious snacks anytime
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 第一次買這包預拌粉就是在亞米上買的 自從一試 後從此欲罷不能無限回購 預拌粉在忙碌的日子裡是個好夥伴 照著食譜把所需其他材料混入均勻 再揉成同等大小的圓球就可以下去烤了 烤出來的麵包好香 口感外脆內糯 每次做都幾乎被孩子們掃空 家中必備好幫手 隨時可以吃上新鮮好吃的點心