# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Some time ago, Yami went to the Korean brand Wang to give 1 for every 3 purchases, and finally tried this soup rice cake. This soup base is really amazing. The soup base looks light, but it has the flavor of Korean beef stock, and the saltiness is not high, but the beef bone soup noodles I ordered in Korean restaurants are all like this, and there is a touch of white pepper in the soup. The taste, so drink it warm, especially healing! The rice cakes are also soaked in an instant, which is very convenient. When opened, they are vacuum-packed and can be eaten after soaking in boiling water for 2 minutes, which is especially suitable for busy working days. You can add some vegetables or shredded eggs, and finish a bowl at once.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 前段时间亚米上韩国品牌Wang在满三赠一,终于入了这款汤年糕试试看。 这个汤底真的是绝了,汤底看似清淡,去有着韩式牛肉高汤的风味,咸度不高,但我在韩餐馆点的牛骨汤面都是这个味道,汤中有淡淡白胡椒的味道,所以喝下去暖暖的,特别治愈! 年糕也是一下子就泡软了,特别方便,打开时是真空包装,用沸水泡2分钟就可以吃了,特别适合忙碌的工作日。 自己可以顺势加点菜或者蛋丝,一下子就吃完一碗。