# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Xiaobai's soft-hearted pillow biscuits, which Yami bought together, were specially selected for the salted egg yolk flavor. In fact, this little biscuits were unremarkable at first. After all, I already have the top few in my heart for foods like biscuits. The packaging inside is so cute, it's really like a little pillow, about the size of your little finger. One bite, one bite, the first one, mom! tasty! It tastes very similar to Lao Yang's salted egg yolk cake! It's just that the texture is different, and the salted egg yolk tastes stronger as it chews, and I ate several of them without realizing it! Recommend everyone to try! Don't miss it for babies who love salted egg yolk!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米上凑单买的小白心里软的小枕头饼干,专门挑了咸蛋黄味儿的。 其实一开始看这款小饼干平平无奇,毕竟饼干这类食品,我内心已经有前几名了。 打开里面的包装真可爱,真的就像小枕头,个头和小拇指差不多大。一口一个,吃了第一个,妈诶!好吃!和老杨咸蛋黄饼味道很像!只是质地不一样,咸蛋黄味儿也是越嚼越浓烈那种,不知不觉吃了好几个! 推荐大家试试!爱咸蛋黄的宝宝别错过!