# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # What are the prerequisites to be a chef? The answer is to have good sauces. I will recommend the King of Out of Stock Yami: Chuzhenfang Xin Orleans Powder Roasted Wing Marinade. New Orleans grilled wings have always been my favorite. Seeing the restock this time. Hurry up and grab 2 boxes. It's not easy. After placing the order, it is out of stock. There are not many chicken wings at home today. So I used super large chicken thighs for the marinade. Yes. This New Orleans Pickle is so versatile. First, wash the chicken thighs clean. Then spread the marinade powder evenly on top. Massage for a while. It is best to make a few cuts on the chicken thigh. That way the flavor will get in. Wrap in cling film. Put it in the refrigerator. Marinate overnight. It will taste more delicious. Take it out the next day. Put in the air fryer. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Remember to flip the process over. really tasty. New Orleans Grilled Wing Marinade has many flavors. My favorite is honey juice. Sweet and salty. Not tired of eating. Give me a chicken leg 🍗
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 做一枚厨神需必备什么条件呢? 答案是拥有好的酱料. 我来推荐亚米断货王:初真坊·信奥尔良粉烤翅腌粉. 新奥尔良烤翅一直是我很喜欢的佳肴. 这次看见补货. 赶紧抢了2盒.不容易.下完单又断货了. 今天家里的鸡翅不多了. 所以我用了超级大的鸡腿来腌制. 是的.这新奥尔良腌粉就是这么万能. 首先先把鸡腿洗的干干净净. 然后往上均匀涂抹腌粉. 按摩一会.最好在鸡腿上划几刀. 这样味道才会进去. 包上保鲜膜. 放冰箱.腌制一晚上.这样味道更入味哦. 第二天拿出来. 放入空气炸锅. 烤20-25分钟. 记得过程翻面一下. 真的很好吃. 新奥尔良烤翅腌料很多口味. 我最爱的还是蜜汁. 甜甜咸咸. 吃不腻. 给.来个鸡腿🍗