# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yumeijia's hot and sour noodles are delicious! I was amazed at the first bite. The flour is sweet potato flour, which is very elastic and does not need to be boiled for 15 minutes as stated on the package. In fact, I cooked it in two minutes, put it in cold water, and then added the soup. It tastes smooth and smooth. very chewy. The soup base is also super delicious! Continues the deliciousness of Yumei Maocai. The red oil bag gives more red oil. Personally, I think it is very fragrant without putting it all in. I added a little oil to it all... As a result, although the soup base is delicious, the guilt is very serious 😅 The vegetable buns are also very real, there are even yuba and kelp! I love to eat them all, as well as soybeans and carrots. I added spring onion myself. In fact, it is very rich without adding anything. Five star recommendation.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 与美家的酸辣粉,美味度名不虚传! 第一口就被惊艳了,粉是红薯粉,特别有弹性,而且不需要像包装上说的煮15分钟,其实我两分钟煮好,过冷水,然后再加汤,吃起来又爽滑又有嚼劲。 汤底也超级美味!延续了与美冒菜的美味度。红油包红油给的比较多,个人觉得不需要全放就很香了,我全加了略油...导致虽然汤底很美味,负罪感很严重😅 菜包给的也很实在,竟然有腐竹还有海带!我都爱吃,还有黄豆,胡萝卜。我自己就加了葱花。其实什么都不加就很丰富了。 五星推荐。