# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # This recommendation is Wangzi QQ Candy. Strawberry flavor. I believe it is the flavor that many girls love. including me. And said quietly. One of the reasons I love fruit-flavored gummies is It also has the effect of "removing bad breath". Haha Every time after eating heavy food. I will eat it quickly. Put a few in your mouth. Not only does it remove odors. The sweet taste can also make you feel good. Every time Yamibuy places an order for snacks, it is indispensable. It's not like regular candy. Wangzai QQ Candy is really not sticky at all. Much less embarrassment of sticky teeth. QQ bombs. Every bite is chewy. like it. Not only because it stayed with me throughout my childhood. Also because it never changes. Hope you will love it too.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这篇推荐的是旺仔QQ糖. 草莓味.相信是很多女生都爱的口味. 包括我. 而且悄悄的说. 爱吃水果味软糖的其中一个原因是 它还有“除口臭”的功效.哈哈 每次吃完重口味的食物后.我都会赶紧吃它. 含几颗在嘴里. 不仅去除异味. 甜的味道还能让人心情愉快. 每次亚米网下单零食.都少不了它. 和普通的软糖不一样. 旺仔QQ糖真的一点都不粘牙. 少了很多那个粘牙的尴尬. QQ弹弹的. 每一颗都很有嚼劲. 喜欢它. 不仅因为它陪过我的整个童年. 也因为它一直不变. 希望你们也能爱上它.