# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # ❣️"Yumei" is my favorite brand, and many of its products are my favorites! Yumei's "Instant Jelly" and "Brown Sugar Jelly" launched this summer are very popular products! The jelly has been shared before, I like the spicy taste very much, and suddenly I found that I have not shared this brown sugar jelly, which is completely different from the jelly and sweet and delicious~ ❣️Brand: Yumei Product Name: Brown Sugar Cool Cake Net content: 240g Yami Price: $1.99 ❣️The packaging is what I like very much, very Chinese and beautiful, including a box of cold cakes, a bag of red syrup and a small spoon. Cooking is even more simple, you can make cold cakes everywhere, pour red syrup and you're done! The cold cake is made of rice, which should be the same as the instant jelly. It has no taste in itself, and it all depends on the seasoning. If it is spicy, it will be spicy, if it is sweet, it will be sweet. The brown syrup itself is very sweet, and it is especially good with cold cakes. It is recommended to cut the cold cakes into small pieces and coat them with syrup to taste good, otherwise it will be sweet on the outside and tasteless on the inside. ❣️I like to eat it after refrigerating it. It is cool and sweet, especially cool and refreshing, but be careful not to freeze it🙅🏻‍♀️, you can store it at room temperature above 5°, or refrigerate it. Anytime, anywhere, eat as much as you want, very convenient~
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # ❣️「与美」是我非常喜爱的品牌,旗下很多产品都是我的心头爱!与美今年夏天推出的「即食凉粉」和「红糖凉糕」都是非常热门的产品!凉粉前面分享过,我非常喜欢的香辣味道,突然发现我竟然没有分享过这款红糖凉糕,与凉粉完全不同的甜甜好滋味~ ❣️品牌:与美 品名:红糖凉糕 净含量:240g 亚米售价:$1.99 ❣️包装是我非常喜欢的,很中国风很漂亮,里面包括一盒凉糕,一袋红糖浆和一个小勺子。做饭更是超级简单,到处凉糕,浇上红糖浆就搞定啦!凉糕是大米制成,跟即食凉粉应该是一样的,本身没有什么味道,全部靠调料。遇辣则辣,遇甜则甜。红糖浆本身很甜,配上凉糕就特别刚好了,建议要把凉糕切小块一点全部裹上糖浆才好吃,要不然外面很甜里面没什么味道。 ❣️我喜欢在冰箱冷藏后再吃,凉凉甜甜的特别清凉爽口,但是注意不可以冷冻🙅🏻‍♀️,5°以上常温保存即可,或者冰箱冷藏。随时随地,想吃就吃,特别方便~