# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Wujiang Qingxiang shredded mustard must be stocked at home, there are no less than 100 packs here😄, because everyone in the family loves it, it eats very fast, and it is really out of stock, so every time I order it The order will add about 30 packs. There are so many at home, and there are still 20 packs to arrive. It can be seen... true love! When I first tried the fragrance version of Wujiang mustard shreds, I loved it. I haven't tried any other styles. This one has won the hearts of the whole family for now. We like its clean look 😄, because some The shredded mustard may be wrapped with different sauces because of different flavors. It looks rich in color in the past. They don't like it. This one is clean and does not have that oily feeling. The taste of shredded mustard is very crisp. , It is very suitable for breakfast with porridge food, and it is a mustard shredded mustard that adults and children love at home! Yami is also a product that is often out of stock. If you are interested, you can try a few packs first, and then you will be on the road to stocking up😁!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 乌江清香榨菜丝家里必备的囤货一款,这里不少于100包😄,因为家里人都好爱,吃的特别快,再加上真的是经常断货的一款,所以每次下单都会加个30包左右,家里有这么多了,还有20几包又要到了这可以看的出……真爱呀! 乌江榨菜丝第一次尝试清香款的时候就很爱了,它家其他款还没试过,这款暂时已经深得全家人的心了,我们喜欢它的干干净净的样子😄,因为有些榨菜丝可能因为不同口味表面都会包裹不同酱料的,看过去色彩比较丰富😂他们就不喜欢,这款属于干干净净,也不会有那种油油的感觉,榨菜丝的口感非常的脆,早餐用它来搭配粥类的食物非常适合,家里是大人小孩都爱的一款榨菜丝! 亚米也是经常断货的一款,有兴趣的话,看见可以先来几包试试,之后就会走上囤货的路😁!