# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # This article recommends the eyebrow trimmer that I have used for many years. Shiseido · Prepare Eyebrow Sharpener at Yami Ryo 3 in a pack. Only $3.49. Yes, you are not mistaken. You can't be fooled at this price. You can't be deceived by buying it. Fairies. Really want to try it in a pack. The arc design of this eyebrow trimmer is very good. It is very smooth in the hand. And the handle is non-slip. The blade design is also very user-friendly. Not super sharp. But shaving your brows is definitely more than enough. Let me say it here. When shaving your eyebrows, your skin must be wet. Or there is a state of applying lotion. This will only hurt the skin. Otherwise, the skin will be prone to redness and swelling. The reasoning is the same as when a guy shaves his beard. Continue to talk about the eyebrow razor. The blade also has a protective cover. Such a small one. It does not take up space. It is also convenient to carry when going out. Inexpensive. Super recommended!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这篇推荐我用了很多年了的修眉刀. 在亚米入的资生堂·Prepare修眉刀 一包里有3把.只要$3.49. 是的.你没看错. 这价格买不了上当.买不来受骗. 仙女们.真的要入一包试试哦. 这修眉刀的弧度设计很好. 拿在手里很顺.而且手柄防滑. 刀片设计的也很人性化.不是超级锋利那种. 但是刮起眉毛绝对绰绰有余. 这里要说一下. 刮眉毛的时候.皮肤一定要是湿的状态. 或者有涂抹lotion的状态.这样才不过伤到皮肤. 不然皮肤很容易红肿.疼. 道理跟男生刮胡子是一样的. 继续说刮眉刀. 刀头还有防护壳. 这样小小的一把.不占地方.出门携带也方便. 物美价廉.超级推荐!