# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # ✨I have shared the grilled cold noodles many times, including the key points of the previous paintings, I hope you have not forgotten them. Every time I eat Baked Cold Noodles, I make a lot of them at a time, because once the baked cold noodles are opened, no matter how they are stored, they are particularly prone to mildew and spoilage, so they should be eaten as soon as possible after opening. ✨What I often buy is "Jizhu Dafu Baked Cold Noodles". There are 10 pieces in a pack. It's a little difficult to eat them once or twice. It's a bit laborious to make them one by one each time, and one egg is one egg. , I ate four sheets at a time last week, that is, four eggs, and they burst. This week I looked at the remaining 6 cold noodles and got a new idea💡, you can also fry the cold noodles! 🌟Ingredients and practices🌟 1. Tear the baked cold noodles into small wide strips, prepare some favorite side dishes, I prepared 🥚 eggs, 🧅 diced onions, sausages, dried tofu, green onion and parsley, etc. Basic Root Baked Cold Noodles requires almost the same ingredients. 2. First fry the eggs in the hot oil in the pan, then fry the onions and minced garlic until fragrant, add the sausages and dried tofu, add the cold roasted noodles, pour some water properly, this will soften the cold roasted noodles, stir fry evenly and pour Back to the eggs. 3. Add a little soy sauce, oyster sauce, and garlic chili sauce to taste. What I made is close to the taste of grilled cold noodles, so "garlic chili sauce" is the key. Then add cumin grains, cumin powder, and chopped chili, stir well. 4. Finally, add chopped green onion and parsley and it’s ready to serve! ✨I fried all 6 sheets of Baked Cold Noodles, one big plate! This saves much time and effort than making cold noodles one by one, and only requires two eggs. It tastes really super delicious! It's similar and different from Baked Cold Noodles, I like them so much! Surprisingly, my sister likes to eat this kind of fried noodles rather than the normal roasted cold noodles, and said that she will eat it like this next time! Looks like I have to restock the cold noodles again! ✨Doing this is really easy and delicious😋, it's amazing, I recommend everyone to try it~
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # ✨烤冷面我分享过很多次了,包括之前画的重点希望大家都没有忘记。每次吃烤冷面我都一次做很多张,因为烤冷面的面饼一旦开封无论怎么保存都特别容易发霉变质,所以打开后要尽快食用。 ✨我经常购买的就是「吉朱大福烤冷面」一包里面有10片,想要一两次吃完也是有点难度的,每次一张一张做也是有点费劲儿,而且一张一个鸡蛋,上周我一次吃了四张,那就是四个鸡蛋,撑到爆。这周我看着这剩下的6张烤冷面,有了新想法💡,烤冷面也可以炒着吃呀! 🌟食材及做法🌟 1. 将烤冷面面饼撕成小宽条,准备一些喜欢的配菜,我准备了🥚鸡蛋、🧅洋葱丁、香肠、豆腐干、葱花香菜等。基本根烤冷面需要准备的材料差不多。 2. 锅内热油先炒熟鸡蛋盛出备用,再炒香洋葱和蒜末,加入香肠和豆腐干,加入烤冷面条,适当淋点水,这样会使烤冷面软化,翻炒均匀后倒回鸡蛋。 3. 加入少许酱油、蚝油、蒜蓉辣酱调味,我做的就是接近烤冷面的味道,所以「蒜蓉辣酱」是关键。再加入孜然粒、孜然粉、辣椒碎翻炒均匀。 4. 最后加入葱花香菜即可出锅啦! ✨我把6张烤冷面都炒了,一大盘!这样比一张一张做烤冷面要省时省力的多,而且只需要两个鸡蛋。味道真的超级好吃!跟烤冷面相似又不同,我都太喜欢了!意外的是我家姐姐很喜欢吃这样炒的胜过正常烤冷面,说下次还要这样吃!看来我又要补货烤冷面啦! ✨这样做真的是省事又好吃😋,太惊喜了,推荐大家一定要试试呀~