# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yami goes into the milk biscuits from the milk cheese factory that has been on the grass for a long time. Really really super delicious! ! Personally, it tastes better than the white lover. Shiroi Koibito, I really like to eat white chocolate filled cat tongue cake. Compared with this one, the milk cheese factory's sweetness is low, and the filling is not white chocolate, but cream cheese! Sweet and sour. The biscuits themselves are also very crispy, and they taste great with tea! Five star recommendation.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米上入了长草很久的牛奶芝士工厂家的牛乳饼干。 真的真的超级好吃!!个人感觉比白色恋人还要好吃。白色恋人家我很喜欢吃白巧克力夹心猫舌饼。相比这一款,牛奶芝士工厂家的这款甜度偏低,而且夹心并不是白巧,而是奶油奶酪!酸甜可口。 饼干本身也很酥脆,配茶吃口味绝了! 五星推荐。