# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yami's Surprise Moisturizer! A natural and affordable hydrating good 💦 is none other than aloe vera gel. This is a big jar of aloe vera gel that a friend gave me before. It's a big jar of $5. It's been used for almost a year. I usually use a layer of aloe vera gel after washing my face and spraying toner. , especially when you just finished the cleansing mask, it is best to calm and soothe the skin.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米惊喜补水好物! 天然且平价的补水好物💦非芦荟胶莫属啦。 这是朋友之前送我的一大罐芦荟胶,$5 这么一大罐子,用了差不多一年都用不完😂平时洗完脸喷了爽肤水后不想抹面霜这么腻时,就抹一层芦荟胶,尤其是刚刚做完清洁面膜时,用来镇静舒缓皮肤最好不过啦