# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Golden curry curry cubes are a must-have at home. I am a person who loves curry flavors. Occasionally, I cook curry chicken, curry beef... Wait, this curry cube saves me a lot of time, and it is really convenient. You don't need to prepare anything, just throw it in there✌️ I cooked chicken curry today... Then I found out after everything was cooked... The rice cooker forgot to press the cooking button, just plugged in the power supply Let's eat this bowl of curry chicken, it's delicious and delicious😋, it's delicious! I’ve said a lot of nonsense 😂 Let me tell you how I cook it. I used the chicken thighs bought from Costco this time. The chicken thighs were deboned and then cut into pieces. The meat was washed with water for later use. The carrots were cut into pieces. I don’t like the small pieces. Like, the potatoes are also cut into pieces! After a little oil in the pot is hot, pour in the chicken and fry it, then add water to boil, then pour in the potato pieces, turn to medium heat and cook together, because I cut the potatoes into large pieces, I cook them together with the chicken, if it is small, it can be After a while, put the curry cubes in after the water boils. After the curry cubes are dissolved, cook for a while, then add the carrots. Cook until the carrots and potatoes are soft, then you can taste it... Eat delicious! I love this flavor! The curry cubes I bought were medium-spicy. I was afraid that it would be too spicy for my family to eat. I have been stocking up on one. Now it seems to be in a new package. You can go and have a look!
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 家里必备的golden curry咖喱块,我是个爱吃咖喱口味的人,偶尔都会煮个咖喱鸡啊,咖喱牛啊……等等的,这款咖喱块给我省了很多时间,又方便真的是不用特别准备什么,都往里面一丢就好了✌️ 今天煮了咖喱鸡……然后都煮好之后发现……电饭锅忘记按煮饭了,只是插了电源🙀🙀😭😭,煮了咖喱鸡既然没有饭,真的是太伤心了,最终抱着这碗咖喱鸡吃吧,好吃好吃好吃😋,好好吃! 废话说了一堆😂说说我怎么煮吧,我这次用了costco买的鸡腿,鸡腿去骨然后切块,肉过下水洗一下备用,胡萝卜切块,我不喜欢丁太小了口感不喜欢,土豆也是切块备用!锅里一点油烧热之后,倒入鸡肉炒一下,然后加入水煮开之后倒入土豆块,转中火一起煮,因为我土豆切的大块,我就和鸡肉一起煮了,小的话可以再过一会放,水煮开之后就把咖喱块放进去,咖喱块化开之后煮一会就可以加入胡萝卜丁了,煮到胡萝卜和土豆都软了之后就可以了,尝一下……好吃好吃!这个味道我爱! 我买的咖喱块是中辣的,怕太辣家里人没法吃,一直都在囤货的一款,现在好像换新包装了,大家可以去看看!