# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Canmake's powder cake is also very famous Makeup, these are also used by many people First time trying their cakes still feel good no oil Not easy to take off makeup I feel like it can last for half a day. This plate is coming to an end It can be seen that I am really using it Recommended Recommended
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # canmake家的粉饼也是挺出名的 彩妆啊这些也是好多人都在用 第一次尝试它家的饼 感觉还是不错 不出油 不容易脱妆 感觉可以保持大半天吧 这盘已经要见底了 可看出我是真的在用了 推荐推荐