# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Push a fast food that I feel like seeing each other lately. That is Street of Fools' Shrimp Rice Seaweed Sour Soup Noodle Leaf. It's really delicious. There are many series. The one I ate today was shrimp and comfrey. Real shrimp. Comes with: spoon, vegetable bag, vinegar bag, sesame oil and powder bag. How to eat: Pour all the ingredients in first. Except for 【vinegar】. Then pour in boiling water. After about 3-4 minutes, add the vinegar bag and stir well to start. The soup base is what amazes me the most. The sourness of mature vinegar. Instantly opened my appetite. Plus the combination of dried shrimp and seaweed. It's too good to drink. The noodles are also very soft and firm. Feifei fried them. Compared with fried instant noodles. This is healthier. After a while, I finished drinking. It is really satisfying to drink a bucket in this cold winter weather. Promise I must try this flavor.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 推一款我最近觉得相见恨晚的速食. 那就是愚人街的虾米紫菜酸汤面叶. 真的好好吃哦. 系列很多. 今天吃的这款是虾米紫草. 货真价实的虾米. 配有:调羹、菜包、陈醋包、芝麻油和粉包. 食用方法: 先把配料全部倒进去.除了【陈醋】以外. 然后倒入沸水. 约3-4分钟后再加入陈醋包搅拌均匀就可以开动了. 汤底是我最惊艳的. 陈醋的酸感.瞬间让我胃口大开. 再加上虾米和紫菜的搭配. 也太好喝了吧. 面叶也很软硬适中.费非油炸的. 和油炸方便面对比.这种比较健康. 没一会.就喝完了. 在这冷冬的天气喝完一桶真的好满足. 答应我一定要试试这口味.