# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I have always only eaten the mustard-flavored mayonnaise before, and I have always turned a blind eye to this pepper and salt 🤣 because I personally feel that the name should not be very delicious =_= but it turns out I'm wrong! Not only is this delicious, it's even better than the mustard-flavored mayonnaise one! The scent is more intense, and it's not greasy at all! I only bought three boxes to try it out when it was on sale before, and I hated myself for buying less! Looking back, the product is sold out 🙃 In short, this must be included in my repurchase list, it is so delicious 😋 I have unlocked a new food, I am very happy
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 明星的一平夜店烧我之前都一直只吃芥末味蛋黄酱的那款,对这款胡椒盐我一直都是熟视无睹🤣因为个人感觉从名字上看应该不会很好吃吧=_=但事实证明我错了!这款不仅好吃,而且比芥末味蛋黄酱的那款更好吃!香味更加浓郁,而且一点也不腻!我是之前这款做促销的时候才买了三盒试试,一吃痛恨自己买少了!再回头看商品已经售罄🙃总之这款必须列入我的回购清单,太好吃啦😋又解锁了一款新美食,很开心