# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Woohoo, it must be Yami who heard me complaining and sighing and complaining about my hair loss all day long, so I bought Bawang on purpose! ! Ahhhh I'm so excited, I'm here to thank Yami's father first 😭 As we all know, Bawang's anti-hair loss shampoo is very popular in China, and many friends around me have used it, and they all say that it is not bad. I actually used Bawang once in China, because hair loss was not that bad at that time, and I bought it for fun. After coming to the United States, I found that the hair loss phenomenon was even worse, and I had to start looking for shampoo to save my bald head... 😢 Seeing that Yami has a salesman, I decided to buy a box. The shampoo has a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and it smells very reassuring. I used it with the 80ml hair growth liquid and persisted for two months. I really saw tiny fluff grow on the bald forehead! The hair quality is also stronger, the hair loss is also reduced, and the hair is very fluffy after washing, and it will not be soft and collapsed, the effect is particularly good! ❤️ I have already repurchased two boxes, and I am hoarding them to use them slowly. I plan to stick to them. I hope I can get my hair back, and I hope Yami will not be out of stock.
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 呜呜呜一定是亚米听到了我整天怨声叹气吐槽我的掉发,特意进货了霸王!!啊啊啊啊实在太激动了我在这边先谢谢亚米爸爸了😭 众所周知霸王的防脱洗发水那在国内都是响当当的,我身边也有许多朋友用过,都说还不错。本人在国内其实也就用过一次霸王,因为那时候脱发并不算厉害,买来都是用着玩儿的。来美国之后发现掉发现象更厉害了,不得不开始物色洗发水拯救我的秃头…😢看到亚米有卖霸王,果断入手了一盒。 洗发水有浓浓的中药味儿,闻着就很安心,配合那款80ml的育发液进行使用,坚持了两个月,果真看到额头秃的地方长出了细小绒毛!发质也更加强韧了,掉发也有所减少,而且洗完之后头发非常蓬松,不会软塌塌的,效果特别好!❤️ 已经回购了两盒,囤着慢慢用,打算一直坚持下去,希望能养回我的头发,也希望亚米别断货呀嘻嘻