# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Baked cold noodles is really a delicacy that is easy to fall into once you eat it. My family stocked up all the year round, and every time I placed an order at Yami, I would buy a few packs. There are many brands of roasted cold noodles on Yami, my favorite is the green packaging one, called Korean style Korean roasted cold noodles, the price is on the high side, around 5 knives all year round. Later, I tried several different brands, including Jizhu Dafu recommended today, and found that the quality of the roasted cold noodles sold in North America is quite good, but the flavors of the sprinkles and sauces are slightly different, but they are all delicious! Compared with the ones I bought from Mapa, the baked cold noodles in North America are much more expensive, but the cold noodles are thicker and of better quality. The price of Jizhu Dafu recommended this time is much cheaper than that of the Chaozu flavor. When I bought it, a pack was only 2.99, which contained 10 pieces of cold noodles, a pack of sprinkles, and a pack of garlic chili sauce (see Figures 2 and 3). Complete with internal organs. And the seasonings are very tasty. I use the most classic egg-baked cold noodles for cold noodles, but I heard that baked cold noodles with durian meat and cheese are popular in China now😳, this combination is amazing!
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 烤冷面真的是一吃就容易沦陷的美食,我家烤冷面常年囤货,每次在亚米下单时都会买上几包。 亚米上烤冷面品牌不少,我最最喜欢的是绿色包装的一款,叫朝族风味韩国烤冷面,价格偏高,常年在5刀左右。后来尝试了不同的几种品牌,包括今天推荐的吉朱大福,发现在北美销售的烤冷面质量都挺不错的,只不过里面的撒料和酱料口味略有差异,但都好吃!相比我在马爸爸上买的,北美这边的烤冷面虽然价格贵很多,但是冷面要厚,质量要好。 这次推荐的吉朱大福价格要比朝族风味便宜很多,我买的时候一包才2.99,里面有10片冷面,一包撒料,一包蒜蓉辣酱(见图2、3),五脏俱全。而且调料都非常好吃。 我做冷面用的就是最经典的鸡蛋烤冷面,不过听说国内现在流行榴莲肉芝士烤冷面😳,这搭配太绝了!