# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # One of Yami's biggest surprises this year is the dim sum series of #zhiweiguan. I tried the red bean/mung bean Longjing cake, chestnut osmanthus cake and sesame walnut osmanthus cake. I really like it! First of all, each is a small portion, and it is not too sweet. It is very friendly to girls who want to lose weight and control sugar. In addition, the taste is delicate, especially the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cake. The rich sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus has a fresh taste. I will always repurchase! Very recommended! 😊 It's strange that I didn't find the product tag of Zhiweiguan🤔
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 今年亚米的最大惊喜之一是#知味观 的点心系列,分别尝试了红豆/绿豆的龙井酥,还有板栗桂花糕以及芝麻核桃桂花糕,特别喜欢!首先每个都小小的一份,而且不太甜,对想要减肥控糖的女生很友好😂。此外口感细腻,尤其是桂花糕,浓郁的桂花味,清新的口感,会一直回购!非常推荐!😊 很奇怪没有找到知味观的商品tag🤔